Reading Room

Weather Conversation

Weather Conversation

Discussion about the current weather: Anjali: Hey Riya, this weird heat in February! I’m sweating...


R.S.V.P. एक फ्रांसीसी वाक्यांश है, जिसका पूरा नाम “Répondez s’il vous plaît” है। हिंदी में...
Relationships By Marriage

Relationships By Marriage

On relationships by marriage Parent: Alright, let’s talk about relationships through marriage. You know how...
Our Relationships

Our Relationships

On relationships other than blood & marriage Parent: Besides blood and marriage, there are other...
Our Blood Relationships

Our Blood Relationships

A parent explains the family tree and blood relations to a kid. आज हम एक...
Making Plans For Valentine’s Day

Making Plans For Valentine’s Day

Making Plans For Valentine’s Day English: Rahul: Hey Aarti! Any plans for Valentine’s Day? Aarti:...
How To say “I am busy” in English

How To say “I am busy” in English

Here are 16 phrases expressing “I am busy” in both English and Hindi: Feel free...


Using First The word “first” has several meanings and functions in English. Here are some...
Conversation on Planning for a Movie

Conversation on Planning for a Movie

Rahul: Hey, Priya! Want to go to the movies with me? Priya: Sure, Rahul! What...