Pre-Basic Quizzes

English Speaking Course in Hindi
इग्लिश स्पीकिंग कोर्स

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of TV vocabulary

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of TV vocabulary

 Quiz: Basic Usage of TV Vocabulary 1. “He uses the ___ to change channels.”– A. Remote–...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of travelling words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of travelling words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of traveling-related words, with questions in Hindi and...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of studying words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of studying words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of studying-related words, with questions in Hindi and...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of studying vocabulary

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of studying vocabulary

 Quiz: Basic Usage of Studying Vocabulary 1. “He likes to ___ in the library.” इस वाक्य...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of sports words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of sports words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of sports-related words, with questions in Hindi and...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of social media vocabulary

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of social media vocabulary

 Quiz: Basic Usage of Social Media Vocabulary 1. “She posted a new ___ on her profile.”–...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of school vocabulary

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of school vocabulary

   Quiz: Basic Usage of School Vocabulary 1. “She carries her books in a ___ to...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of office vocabulary

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of office vocabulary

 Quiz: Basic Usage of Office Vocabulary 1. “He works at a ___.”– A. Factory– B. Office–...
10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of nouns & verbs

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of nouns & verbs

🦾 Quiz: Basic Usage of Nouns & Verbs 1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द...