Post Basic Syllabus

Comprehensive Online English Spoken Class Syllabus

Course Overview:

This extended course focuses on developing comprehensive spoken English skills over an eleven-Module period. It is designed to cover essential vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, listening comprehension, and conversational practice across a wide range of real-life contexts, including basic parts of speech.


11 Modules (45 Units)

Course Structure:

Each Unit, the course will focus on a specific topic, integrating new vocabulary, grammar lessons, pronunciation practice, and conversational activities.


Module 1: Foundations of English

Unit 1: Course Introduction and Basic Greetings

Unit 2: English Alphabet and Phonetics

Unit 3: Numbers and Time

Unit 4: Classroom Language and Commands

Module 2: Basic Personal Information and Parts of Speech

Unit 5: Introducing Yourself

Unit 6: Family and Relationships

Unit 7: Basic Parts of Speech: Nouns

Unit 8: Basic Parts of Speech: Pronouns

Module 3: Everyday Situations and Parts of Speech

Unit 9: At Home

Unit 10: Shopping and Food

Unit 11: Basic Parts of Speech: Verbs

Unit 12: Daily Activities

Module 4: Expanding Vocabulary and Grammar

Unit 13: Leisure Activities and Hobbies

Unit 14: Describing Weather

Unit 15: Basic Parts of Speech: Adjectives

Unit 16: Occupations and Work

Module 5: Navigating Social and Public Spaces

Unit 17: Basic Parts of Speech: Adverbs

Unit 18: Restaurants and Food Services

Unit 19: Basic Parts of Speech: Conjunctions

Building more complex sentences using conjunctions

Introduction to simple past tense (regular and irregular verbs)

Unit 20: Directions and Locations

Basic Level

Module 6: Social Interactions and More Grammar

Unit 21: Advanced Daily Activities

Unit 22: Social Interactions

Unit 23: Parties & Entertainment

Unit 24: Talking About Hobbies

Module 7: Simple and Complex Sentences

Unit 25: Sentence Structure

Unit 26: Expanding Sentences with Adjectives and Adverbs

Unit 27: Compound and Complex Sentences

Unit 28: Social Media

Module 8: Real-Life Situations

Unit 29: Health and Medical Needs

Unit 30: Emergency Situations

Unit 31: Talking About Past Events

Unit 32: Transport, Travel and Vacations

    Airport, trains, hotel, ticket, etc.

Module 9: Deepening Conversational Skills

Unit 33: Future Plans and Activities

Unit 34: Expressing Needs and Wants

Unit 35: Asking Questions and Making Requests

Unit 36: Enhancing Pronunciation

Level 3

Module 10: Practical Conversations

Unit 37: At the Workplace

Unit 38: Opinions and Preferences

Module 11: Specialized Conversations and Advanced Topics

Unit 39: Emotional Expression & Interjections

Unit 40: Technology and the Internet

Unit 41: Sports and Fitness

Unit 42: Financial Literacy

Unit 43: Education and Career Planning

Unit 44: Travel Experiences and Cultural Exchange

Unit 45: Media and Entertainment

At the end of Post-Basic level , you can:

  • understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
  • express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, with controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
  • understand virtually everything heard or read with ease.
  • summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
  • express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.