Category: Word Lists

Opposite Words 6

Opposite Words 6

6th List Of 20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Big (बड़ा) Tiny (बहुत छोटा) It’s a tiny insect. यह एक बहुत छोटा कीटाणु है। Fast (तेज़) Slow...

Opposite Words 5

Opposite Words 5

5th List Of 20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Big (बड़ा) Small (छोटा) It’s a small house. यह एक छोटा घर है। Fast (तेज़) Slow (धीमा) The...

Opposite Words 4

Opposite Words 4

4th List Of 20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Big (बड़ा) Tiny (बहुत छोटा) It’s a big elephant. यह एक बड़ा हाथी है। Fast (तेज़) Slow (धीमा)...

Opposite Words 3

Opposite Words 3

3rd List Of 20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Easy (आसान) Difficult (कठिन) This math problem is easy. यह गणित समस्या आसान है। Far (दूर) Near (नजदीक)...

Opposite Words 2

Opposite Words 2

2nd List Of 20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Good (अच्छा) Bad (बुरा) He is a good student. वह एक अच्छा छात्र है। Before (पहले) After (बाद)...

Opposite Words 1

Opposite Words 1

20 Commonly Used Opposite Words With Sentences: Word Opposite English Sentence Hindi Sentence Good Bad He is a good student. वह एक अच्छा छात्र है। Before After We will eat before the movie. हम...

List of Opposite Words

List of Opposite Words

Word Opposite Word Old (बूढ़ा) New (नया) Cheap (सस्ता) Expensive (महंगा) Happy (खुश) Angry (गुस्सा) Begin (शुरू) End (समाप्त) Fast (तेज़) Slow (धीमा) Arrive (आगमन) Depart (प्रस्थान) Build (निर्माण) Destroy (नष्ट) Buy (खरीदना) Sell (बेचना)...

Full Pronouns List

Full Pronouns List

all nought whatnot another one whatsoever any one another whence anybody other where anyone others whereby anything ought wherefrom as our wherein aught ours whereinto both ourself whereof each ourselves whereon each other several...

Word Families

Word Families

शब्द परिवार वह समूह हैं जो एक समान मूल ( origin ) या common base साझा करने वाले शब्दों के होते हैं, जो की अक्सर एक ही ( origin ) उत्पत्ति से आए होते...

Place Words स्थान बताने वाले शब्द

Place Words स्थान बताने वाले शब्द

आज हम बात करेंगे कुछ महत्वपूर्ण स्थान सूचक शब्दों की। अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में, स्थान शब्दों (Place Words) का महत्व बहुत है क्योंकि ये शब्द वाक्य में कर्ता के स्थान को स्पष्ट करने में मदद...