Category: Pre-Basic Quizzes

Quiz: Basic Usage of Nouns

Quiz: Basic Usage of Nouns

1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा वाक्य एक विशेष्य (noun) का उदाहरण है? 2. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द एक विशेषण (noun) है? 3. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी वस्तु (noun) है? 4....

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of internet words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of internet words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of internet-related words, with questions in Hindi and options in English. Quiz on Internet Words प्रश्न 1:“जब आप __ पर किसी वेबसाइट का पता टाइप करते हैं,...

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of entertainmemt words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of entertainmemt words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of entertainment-related words, with questions in Hindi and options in English. Quiz on Entertainment Words प्रश्न 1:“एक __ वह व्यक्ति होता है जो दर्शकों को हंसाता और...

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of movie words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of movie words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of movie-related words, with questions in Hindi and options in English. Quiz on Movie Words प्रश्न 1:“फिल्म की __ उस कहानी को दर्शाती है जो फिल्म में...

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of motivation words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of motivation words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of motivation-related words, with questions in Hindi and options in English. Quiz on Motivation Words प्रश्न 1:“जब कोई व्यक्ति __ प्राप्त करता है, तो वह अधिक प्रेरित...

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of leadership words

10 MCQS quiz on the very basic usage of leadership words

Here’s a quiz on the basic usage of leadership-related words, with questions in Hindi and options in English. Quiz on Leadership Words प्रश्न 1:“नेतृत्व में, __ वह व्यक्ति होता है जो टीम को मार्गदर्शन...