Category: Post Basic Comprehension

Antonym 0


Antonym refers to a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. Examples: Using antonyms can help you: Would you like to practice finding antonyms for a word?

Synonym 0


Synonym refers to a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word. Examples: Using synonyms can help you: Would you like to practice finding synonyms for a word?

Contrast 0


Contrast is the comparison of two or more things that are different. It can be used to highlight similarities, differences, or both. Here are some ways to use contrast in writing: Example: Would you...

Example 0


Example: Term: empathy Formal definition: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Informal definition: Empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and feeling what they feel. Would...

Definition 0


Definition: A definition provides a clear and concise explanation of a word, term, or concept. It outlines the essential characteristics or qualities of something, distinguishing it from other things. There are two main types...

Contextual clues 0

Contextual clues

Context Clues: Understanding Words Through Context Context clues are words or phrases that can help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. By analyzing the surrounding text, you can often infer the meaning of...

Learning word roots and affixes 0

Learning word roots and affixes

Learning Word Roots and Affixes: Building Vocabulary Understanding word roots and affixes can significantly enhance your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Word roots are the core parts of words that convey the basic meaning, while...

Using a dictionary and thesaurus 0

Using a dictionary and thesaurus

Using a Dictionary and Thesaurus: Essential Tools for Language Learners Dictionaries and thesauruses are invaluable tools for language learners. They can help you: Dictionary Thesaurus Tips for Using Dictionaries and Thesauruses: Would you like...

Vocabulary building techniques: 0

Vocabulary building techniques:

Vocabulary Building Techniques Expanding your vocabulary is essential for improving your language skills. Here are some effective techniques: 1. Read Regularly: 2. Use a Vocabulary Journal: 3. Word Associations: 4. Language Immersion: 5. Use...

Supporting answers with evidence 0

Supporting answers with evidence

Supporting Answers with Evidence When answering questions, it’s crucial to provide evidence to support your claims. Evidence can come from various sources, including: Here’s an example of how to support an answer with evidence:...