Pronouns You Must Know To Speak In English

Personal Pronouns (व्यक्तिगत सर्वनाम):

  • I (मैं) –  “I am going to the store.”
  • You (तुम/तुम्हें/आपको) –  “Are you coming to the party?”
  • He (वह – पुरुष) –  “He is my brother.”
  • She (वह – महिला) –  “She is a talented singer.”
  • It (यह – चीज़) –  “It’s a beautiful flower.”
  • We (हम) –  “We are going on a trip.”
  • They (वे) –  “They are studying for the exam.”

Possessive Pronouns (स्वामित्व संज्ञानात्मक सर्वनाम):

  • My (मेरा/मेरी) –  “This is my house.”
  • Your (तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/आपका/आपकी) –  “Is this your car?”
  • His (उसका – पुरुष) –  “This is his car.”
  • Her (उसका – महिला) –  “That is her book.”
  • Its (इसका/इसकी) –  “The cat is washing its paws.”
  • Our (हमारा/हमारी) –  “Our school is closed for the holidays.”
  • Your (तुम्हारा/तुम्हारी/आपका/आपकी) –  “Is this book yours?”
  • Their (उनका – समूह) –  “This is their house.”

Reflexive Pronouns (पुनर्निमित्त सर्वनाम):

  • Myself (अपने आप को) –  “I can do it myself.”
  • Yourself (अपने आप को) –  “You should be proud of yourself.”
  • Himself (अपने आप को – पुरुष) –  “He hurt himself playing soccer.”
  • Herself (अपने आप को – महिला) –  “She bought herself a new dress.”
  • Itself (अपने आप को – चीज़) –  “The door closed by itself.”
  • Ourselves (अपने आप को) –  “We can handle it ourselves.”
  • Yourselves (अपने आप को) –  “You should enjoy yourselves.”
  • Themselves (अपने आप को) –  “They celebrated by themselves.”

Demonstrative Pronouns (सार्थक सर्वनाम):

  • This (यह) –  “This is my favorite book.”
  • That (वह/वो) –  “That is a beautiful sunset.”
  • These (ये) –  “These are my shoes.”
  • Those (वो) –  “Those are the mountains we climbed.”
See also  Types Of Adjectives

Interrogative Pronouns (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम):

  • Who (कौन) –  “Who is coming to the party?”
  • Whom (किसको) –  “Whom did you invite?”
  • What (क्या) –  “What is your favorite color?”
  • Which (कौनसा/कौनसी) –  “Which car is yours?”
  • Whose (किसका/किसकी) –  “Whose bag is this?”

Relative Pronouns (संबंध सर्वनाम):

  • Who (जो) –  “The person who called is my friend.”
  • Whom (किसे) –  “The teacher whom I admire is retiring.”
  • Which (जो) –  “The book which you recommended is excellent.”
  • That (जो) –  “The car that I bought is red.”

Indefinite Pronouns (अनिश्चित सर्वनाम):

  • All (सभी) –  “All are welcome to the party.”
  • None (कोई नहीं) –  “None of the students failed the exam.”
  • Some (कुछ) –  “Can I have some of your chips?”
  • Any (कोई भी) –  “Is there any milk in the fridge?”
  • Many (बहुत सारे) –  “Many people attended the conference.”
  • Few (कुछ) –  “There are only a few cookies left.”
  • Several (कई) –  “Several books are on the shelf.”
  • Every (हर) –  “Every student passed the test.”
  • Both (दोनों) –  “Both of them are talented.”

Reciprocal Pronouns (पारस्परिक सर्वनाम):

  • Each other (एक-दूसरे) –  “They love each other.”
  • One another (एक-दूसरे) –  “The team members support one another.”

Relative Pronouns (संबंध सर्वनाम – जो):

  • Whoever (जो भी) –  “Whoever wins gets a prize.”
  • Whichever (जो भी) –  “Choose whichever flavor you like.”
  • Whatever (जो भी) –  “I will eat whatever you cook.”

Demonstrative Pronouns (सार्थक सर्वनाम – यहवहयेवो):

  • Such (ऐसा/ऐसी) –  “I’ve never seen such a beautiful sunset.”
See also  Self Introduction आत्मपरिचय

Interrogative Pronouns (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम – कौनक्याकिसकोकौनसाकिसका):

  • Whoever (कौन भी) –  “Whoever did this should confess.”
  • Whichever (कौनसा भी) –  “Whichever book you choose is fine.”
  • Whatever (कुछ भी) –  “Whatever you say, I will support you.”

Distributive Pronouns (वितरक सर्वनाम – हर एकदोनोंएकएक):

  • Each (हर एक) –  “Each student received a certificate.”
  • Either (दोनों) –  “You can choose either option.”
  • Neither (न तो यह न तो वह) –  “Neither of them is correct.”

Reciprocal Pronouns (पारस्परिक सर्वनाम):

  • Both (दोनों) –  “Both of them are talented.”
  • Each other (एक-दूसरे) –  “They help each other with their homework.”
  • One another (एक-दूसरे) –  “They respect one another’s opinions.”

These pronouns cover a wide range of scenarios and are essential for constructing meaningful sentences in both English and Hindi.


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