Perfect Past Tense Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past perfect tense?

a) She has finished her homework before dinner.
b) She had finished her homework before dinner.
c) She finished her homework before dinner.
d) She was finishing her homework before dinner.

Question 2

Identify the verb in the following past perfect tense sentence: “They had visited the museum before it closed.”

a) Visited
b) Museum
c) Closed
d) Had visited

Question 3

Which of the following sentences uses the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to go”?

a) He had went to the store before it rained.
b) He has gone to the store before it rained.
c) He had gone to the store before it rained.
d) He gone to the store before it rained.

Question 4

What is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “I _ (to finish) the project before the deadline”?

a) Have finished
b) Had finished
c) Finished
d) Was finishing

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past perfect tense?

a) They had eat lunch before the meeting.
b) They had ate lunch before the meeting.
c) They had eaten lunch before the meeting.
d) They have eaten lunch before the meeting.

Question 6

Identify the verb in the following past perfect tense sentence: “She had lived in Paris before she moved to London.”

a) Lived
b) Had lived
c) Paris
d) Moved

Question 7

Which of the following sentences uses the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to read”?

See also  Introductions Quiz

a) I had read the book before the class started.
b) I had reads the book before the class started.
c) I had reading the book before the class started.
d) I has read the book before the class started.

Question 8

What is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “They _ (to leave) the party before it ended”?

a) Had leave
b) Had left
c) Left
d) Have left

Question 9

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past perfect tense?

a) She had went home before the rain started.
b) She had gone home before the rain started.
c) She had going home before the rain started.
d) She has gone home before the rain started.

Question 10

Identify the verb in the following past perfect tense sentence: “We had watched the movie before they arrived.”

a) Watched
b) Had
c) Had watched
d) Arrived

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: b) She had finished her homework before dinner.

  • Explanation: “Had finished” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to finish,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 2

Correct Answer: d) Had visited

  • Explanation: “Had visited” is the past perfect tense verb phrase indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 3

Correct Answer: c) He had gone to the store before it rained.

  • Explanation: “Had gone” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to go,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.
See also   Past & Present Tense Mixed Quiz

Question 4

Correct Answer: b) Had finished

  • Explanation: “Had finished” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to finish,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 5

Correct Answer: c) They had eaten lunch before the meeting.

  • Explanation: “Had eaten” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to eat,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 6

Correct Answer: b) Had lived

  • Explanation: “Had lived” is the past perfect tense verb phrase indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 7

Correct Answer: a) I had read the book before the class started.

  • Explanation: “Had read” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to read,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 8

Correct Answer: b) Had left

  • Explanation: “Had left” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to leave,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 9

Correct Answer: b) She had gone home before the rain started.

  • Explanation: “Had gone” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to go,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 10

Correct Answer: c) Had watched

  • Explanation: “Had watched” is the past perfect tense verb phrase indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

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