Continuous Tense Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the present continuous tense?

a) She is write a letter.
b) She is writing a letter.
c) She writing a letter.
d) She writes a letter.

Question 2

Identify the verb in the following past continuous tense sentence: “They were watching a movie when it started to rain.”

a) Were watching
b) Watching
c) Movie
d) Started

Question 3

Which of the following sentences uses the correct future continuous tense form of the verb “to travel”?

a) He will be travel tomorrow.
b) He will traveling tomorrow.
c) He will be traveling tomorrow.
d) He is traveling tomorrow.

Question 4

What is the correct past continuous tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “I _ (to read) a book when you called”?

a) Was read
b) Was reading
c) Were reading
d) Am reading

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the future continuous tense?

a) We will watching a movie tonight.
b) We will be watching a movie tonight.
c) We watching a movie tonight.
d) We watched a movie tonight.

Question 6

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “She is studying for her exams.”

a) Studying
b) Is
c) Is studying
d) Exams

Question 7

Which of the following sentences uses the correct past continuous tense form of the verb “to work”?

a) He was work late last night.
b) He was working late last night.
c) He is working late last night.
d) He works late last night.

Question 8

What is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “They _ (to play) soccer right now”?

See also  Parts of Speech (All POS) Quiz

a) Are play
b) Is playing
c) Are playing
d) Were playing

Question 9

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the future continuous tense?

a) She will be traveling next week.
b) She is being traveling next week.
c) She will traveling next week.
d) She be traveling next week.

Question 10

Identify the verb in the following past continuous tense sentence: “He was reading a book when I arrived.”

a) Reading
b) Was reading
c) Book
d) Arrived

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: b) She is writing a letter.

  • Explanation: “Is writing” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to write,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 2

Correct Answer: a) Were watching

  • Explanation: “Were watching” is the past continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action in the past.

Question 3

Correct Answer: c) He will be traveling tomorrow.

  • Explanation: “Will be traveling” is the correct future continuous tense form of the verb “to travel,” indicating an action that will be happening in the future.

Question 4

Correct Answer: b) Was reading

  • Explanation: “Was reading” is the correct past continuous tense form of the verb “to read,” indicating an ongoing action in the past.

Question 5

Correct Answer: b) We will be watching a movie tonight.

  • Explanation: “Will be watching” is the correct future continuous tense form of the verb “to watch,” indicating an action that will be happening in the future.

Question 6

Correct Answer: c) Is studying

  • Explanation: “Is studying” is the present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action right now.
See also  Past Tense Quiz

Question 7

Correct Answer: b) He was working late last night.

  • Explanation: “Was working” is the correct past continuous tense form of the verb “to work,” indicating an ongoing action in the past.

Question 8

Correct Answer: c) Are playing

  • Explanation: “Are playing” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to play,” indicating an ongoing action right now.

Question 9

Correct Answer: a) She will be traveling next week.

  • Explanation: “Will be traveling” is the correct future continuous tense form of the verb “to travel,” indicating an action that will be happening in the future.

Question 10

Correct Answer: b) Was reading

  • Explanation: “Was reading” is the past continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action in the past.

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Subject :continuous  tense

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