Usage of Adverbs Quiz

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : usage of adverbs

 Question 1
Which of the following sentences uses an adverb correctly?

a) She dances graceful.  
b) She dances gracefully.  
c) She dances grace.  
d) She dances gracefullyly.  

 Question 2
Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “He drives very carefully.”

a) Drives  
b) Very  
c) Carefully  
d) He  

 Question 3
Which of the following is an adverb?

a) Quick  
b) Quickly  
c) Quest  
d) Quicker  

 Question 4
What is the adverb in the following sentence: “They worked hard on the project”?

a) They  
b) Worked  
c) Hard  
d) Project  

 Question 5
Which of the following sentences correctly uses an adverb?

a) She did the job good.  
b) She did the job well.  
c) She did the job goodly.  
d) She did the job welliest.  

 Question 6
Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “The dog barked loudly all night.”

a) Dog  
b) Barked  
c) Loudly  
d) Night  

 Question 7
Which of the following sentences uses an adverb to describe a verb?

a) He is happy.  
b) He sings beautifully.  
c) He is singing.  
d) He has a song.  

 Question 8
What is the adverb in the following sentence: “She always arrives on time”?

a) She  
b) Arrives  
c) Always  
d) Time  

 Question 9
Which sentence uses an adverb in its correct form?

a) He runs faster than his friends.  
b) He run fastly than his friends.  
c) He running fastest than his friends.  
d) He runs fastlier than his friends.  

 Question 10
Identify the adverb in the following sentence: “They quickly finished their work.”

a) They  
b) Finished  
c) Quickly  
d) Work  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) She dances gracefully.  
– Explanation: “Gracefully” is an adverb modifying the verb “dances.”

 Question 2
Correct Answer: c) Carefully  
– Explanation: “Carefully” is the adverb modifying the verb “drives.” “Very” is an adverb modifying the adverb “carefully,” but the primary adverb related to the verb is “carefully.”

 Question 3
Correct Answer: b) Quickly  
– Explanation: “Quickly” is an adverb, whereas “Quick” is an adjective, and “Quest” and “Quicker” are nouns and a comparative adjective, respectively.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: c) Hard  
– Explanation: “Hard” is the adverb modifying the verb “worked.”

 Question 5
Correct Answer: b) She did the job well.  
– Explanation: “Well” is an adverb modifying the verb “did.”

 Question 6
Correct Answer: c) Loudly  
– Explanation: “Loudly” is the adverb modifying the verb “barked.”

 Question 7
Correct Answer: b) He sings beautifully.  
– Explanation: “Beautifully” is an adverb modifying the verb “sings.”

 Question 8
Correct Answer: c) Always  
– Explanation: “Always” is the adverb modifying the verb “arrives.”

 Question 9
Correct Answer: a) He runs faster than his friends.  
– Explanation: “Faster” is an adverb modifying the verb “runs.”

 Question 10
Correct Answer: c) Quickly  
– Explanation: “Quickly” is the adverb modifying the verb “finished.”

See also  Future Continuous Tense Quiz

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