Adjectives Usage Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences uses an adjective correctly?

a) She is a beautiful girl.
b) She is a beautifully girl.
c) She is a beautifuller girl.
d) She is a beautify girl.

Question 2

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: “The sky is very blue today.”

a) Sky
b) Very
c) Blue
d) Today

Question 3

Which of the following is a comparative adjective?

a) Tall
b) Taller
c) Tallest
d) Very tall

Question 4

What is the superlative form of the adjective “happy”?

a) Happiest
b) More happy
c) Happier
d) Most happy

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses an adjective?

a) She paints very bad.
b) She paints very good.
c) She paints very well.
d) She paints very beautifully.

Question 6

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: “They live in a big house.”

a) Live
b) In
c) Big
d) House

Question 7

Which of the following sentences uses an adjective to describe a noun?

a) The children are playing outside.
b) The children are happy.
c) The children play happily.
d) The children have a ball.

Question 8

What is the adjective in the following sentence: “The test was easy for her”?

a) Test
b) Was
c) Easy
d) Her

Question 9

Which sentence uses an adjective in its correct form?

a) She is the most smartest in the class.
b) She is smarter than him.
c) She is the smart.
d) She is smartly than him.

Question 10

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: “We had a delicious meal at the restaurant.”

a) Had
b) Meal
c) Delicious
d) Restaurant

See also  Nouns Usage Quiz

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: a) She is a beautiful girl.

  • Explanation: “Beautiful” is an adjective describing the noun “girl.”

Question 2

Correct Answer: c) Blue

  • Explanation: “Blue” is the adjective describing the noun “sky.”

Question 3

Correct Answer: b) Taller

  • Explanation: “Taller” is the comparative adjective used to compare two items.

Question 4

Correct Answer: a) Happiest

  • Explanation: “Happiest” is the superlative form of the adjective “happy.”

Question 5

Correct Answer: d) She paints very beautifully.

  • Explanation: Although “beautifully” is an adverb, the context of this sentence appears to be mistaken. A correctly rephrased version of this question would highlight an adjective usage directly. Let’s update it for clarity:


Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses an adjective?

a) She wore a beautiful dress.
b) She paints beautifully.
c) She sings well.
d) She runs quickly.

Correct Answer: a) She wore a beautiful dress.

  • Explanation: “Beautiful” is an adjective describing the noun “dress.”

Question 6

Correct Answer: c) Big

  • Explanation: “Big” is the adjective describing the noun “house.”

Question 7

Correct Answer: b) The children are happy.

  • Explanation: “Happy” is the adjective describing the subject “children.”

Question 8

Correct Answer: c) Easy

  • Explanation: “Easy” is the adjective describing the noun “test.”

Question 9

Correct Answer: b) She is smarter than him.

  • Explanation: “Smarter” is the comparative adjective correct used for comparison.

Question 10

Correct Answer: c) Delicious

  • Explanation: “Delicious” is the adjective describing the noun “meal.”

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : usage of adjectives

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