Modal Verbs Usage Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences uses a modal verb correctly?

a) She can plays the piano.
b) She could speak four languages.
c) She musted finish her homework.
d) She will goes to the market.

Question 2

Identify the modal verb in the following sentence: “You should see a doctor.”

a) You
b) Should
c) See
d) Doctor

Question 3

Which of the following is a modal verb?

a) Have
b) Do
c) Can
d) Is

Question 4

What is the correct modal verb in the following sentence: “I might go to the party”?

a) Could
b) Should
c) Might
d) Would

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses “must”?

a) He must goes to school.
b) He must go to school.
c) He must to go to school.
d) He musted go to school.

Question 6

Identify the modal verb in the following sentence: “They will arrive by noon.”

a) They
b) Will
c) Arrive
d) By

Question 7

Which of the following is not a modal verb?

a) Shall
b) Might
c) Could
d) Was

Question 8

What is the function of the modal verb in the following sentence: “She can swim very fast”?

a) Showing ability
b) Showing permission
c) Giving advice
d) Making a request

Question 9

Which sentence uses “would” correctly?

a) I would going to the store.
b) I would went to the store.
c) I would go to the store.
d) I would goes to the store.

Question 10

Identify the modal verb in the following sentence: “You may leave the table when you are finished.”

a) You
b) May
c) Leave
d) When

See also  Everyday Expressions Quiz

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: b) She could speak four languages.

  • Explanation: “Could” is the correct modal verb showing past ability.

Question 2

Correct Answer: b) Should

  • Explanation: “Should” is the modal verb in the sentence indicating advice.

Question 3

Correct Answer: c) Can

  • Explanation: “Can” is a modal verb, whereas “have,” “do,” and “is” are not.

Question 4

Correct Answer: c) Might

  • Explanation: “Might” is the correct modal verb indicating possibility.

Question 5

Correct Answer: b) He must go to school.

  • Explanation: “Must” is used correctly to indicate necessity, and it is followed by the base form of the verb “go.”

Question 6

Correct Answer: b) Will

  • Explanation: “Will” is the modal verb in the sentence indicating future action.

Question 7

Correct Answer: d) Was

  • Explanation: “Was” is a past tense auxiliary verb, not a modal verb. “Shall,” “might,” and “could” are modal verbs.

Question 8

Correct Answer: a) Showing ability

  • Explanation: “Can” in this sentence indicates the ability to swim very fast.

Question 9

Correct Answer: c) I would go to the store.

  • Explanation: “I would go to the store” uses “would” correctly to indicate a potential action.

Question 10

Correct Answer: b) May

  • Explanation: “May” is the modal verb in the sentence indicating permission.

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : adjectives

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