Verbs Usage Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences uses the verb correctly?

a) He goes to school every day.
b) He go to school every day.
c) He going to school every day.
d) He went to school every day.

Question 2

Identify the verb in the following sentence: “The birds are singing.”

a) Birds
b) Are
c) Singing
d) The

Question 3

Which of the following is a present continuous tense verb?

a) Dance
b) Dancing
c) Danced
d) Dances

Question 4

What is the past tense of the verb “to be”?

a) Were/was
b) Is
c) Are
d) Am

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses an irregular verb?

a) She goed to the park.
b) She goes to the park.
c) She went to the park.
d) She going to the park.

Question 6

Identify the verb in its base form in the following sentence: “She likes to read books.”

a) Likes
b) To
c) Read
d) Books

Question 7

Which of the following is a regular verb?

a) Played
b) Drove
c) Ran
d) Swam

Question 8

What is the verb in the following sentence: “They will visit their grandparents tomorrow”?

a) Will
b) Visit
c) Will visit
d) Tomorrow

Question 9

Which sentence uses a phrasal verb?

a) He looked up the information online.
b) He looks up the information online.
c) He look up the information online.
d) He is looking the information online.

Question 10

Identify the auxiliary verb in the following sentence: “She has finished her homework.”

a) She
b) Has
c) Finished
d) Her

See also   Usage of Pronouns Quiz

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: a) He goes to school every day.

  • Explanation: “He goes to school every day” correctly conjugates the verb “go” in the present tense to match the subject “he.”

Question 2

Correct Answer: c) Singing

  • Explanation: “Singing” is the main verb in the sentence, while “are” is an auxiliary verb.

Question 3

Correct Answer: b) Dancing

  • Explanation: “Dancing” is the present continuous tense form of the verb “dance.”

Question 4

Correct Answer: a) Were/was

  • Explanation: The past tense forms of the verb “to be” are “were” and “was” depending on the subject.

Question 5

Correct Answer: c) She went to the park.

  • Explanation: “Went” is the past tense of the irregular verb “go.”

Question 6

Correct Answer: c) Read

  • Explanation: “Read” is the base form of the verb, following the infinitive “to.”

Question 7

Correct Answer: a) Played

  • Explanation: “Played” is a regular verb because it forms its past tense by adding “-ed.”

Question 8

Correct Answer: c) Will visit

  • Explanation: “Will visit” is the verb phrase that indicates a future action.

Question 9

Correct Answer: a) He looked up the information online.

  • Explanation: “Looked up” is a phrasal verb meaning to search for information.

Question 10

Correct Answer: b) Has

  • Explanation: “Has” is the auxiliary verb helping to form the present perfect tense with the main verb “finished.”

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