Shopping Quiz

on shopping

 Question 1

What is a common phrase you might use to ask for help in a store?

a) Where is the restroom?  
b) Can you help me find this item?  
c) What time does the store close?  
d) Can I borrow your phone?  

 Question 2
What do most people do before purchasing an item of clothing?

a) Check the price  
b) Check the brand  
c) Try it on for size  
d) Ask for a discount  

 Question 3
What do you usually use to pay for groceries?

a) A coupon  
b) A debit or credit card  
c) A gift card  
d) A phone  

 Question 4
What should you do if you can’t find what you are looking for in a store?

a) Leave the store immediately  
b) Ask a store employee for assistance  
c) Call a friend  
d) Go to the manager’s office  

 Question 5
What is an important factor to consider when buying fresh produce?

a) The color of the packaging  
b) The expiration date  
c) The price tag  
d) The location of the store  

 Question 6
Where do you often find discounts or special offers?

a) At the checkout counter  
b) On the packaging  
c) In the clearance section or on sale racks  
d) In the fitting room  

 Question 7
What is a receipt?

a) A discount coupon  
b) A list of items in the store  
c) Proof of purchase  
d) A return policy  

 Question 8
What should you do before buying expensive electronics?

a) Check for reviews and comparisons online  
b) Ask a friend  
c) Buy the first one you see  
d) Look at the color options  

 Question 9
What is the purpose of a return policy?

a) To get discounts  
b) To exchange or refund items that you are not satisfied with  
c) To provide parking information  
d) To describe store hours  

 Question 10
What is a common phrase you might hear from a cashier?

a) Would you like a bag?  
b) Where is this item located?  
c) What is your telephone number?  
d) How old are you?  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) Can you help me find this item?  
– Explanation: This is a common phrase used to ask for assistance in a store.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: c) Try it on for size  
– Explanation: Trying on clothing ensures that it fits properly before purchasing.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: b) A debit or credit card  
– Explanation: Debit or credit cards are commonly used to pay for groceries.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: b) Ask a store employee for assistance  
– Explanation: Store employees can help you locate items you are looking for.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: b) The expiration date  
– Explanation: Checking the expiration date ensures that produce is fresh and safe to eat.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: c) In the clearance section or on sale racks  
– Explanation: Discounts and special offers are often found in the clearance section or on sale racks.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: c) Proof of purchase  
– Explanation: A receipt is given after a purchase to provide proof of the transaction.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: a) Check for reviews and comparisons online  
– Explanation: Reviews and comparisons can help you make an informed decision when buying expensive electronics.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: b) To exchange or refund items that you are not satisfied with  
– Explanation: A return policy allows customers to return items for exchange or a refund.

 Question 10
Correct Answer: a) Would you like a bag?  
– Explanation: Cashiers often ask if customers would like a bag for their purchased items.

See also  Future Continuous Tense Quiz

on shopping again

 Shopping Quiz
 Question 1

What do you usually put your groceries in while shopping in a supermarket?

a) A basket or shopping cart  
b) A tote bag  
c) Your pockets  
d) A suitcase  

 Question 2
What is a common question cashiers ask at checkout?

a) How did you get here?  
b) Do you have any coupons or a loyalty card?  
c) What’s your favorite color?  
d) Do you know the manager?  

 Question 3
What is the main purpose of using a shopping list?

a) To impress the cashier  
b) To remember to buy all the necessary items  
c) To waste time  
d) To collect store flyers  

 Question 4
How can you find the best deals during a sale?

a) Avoid the sale section  
b) Ask the store manager for every price  
c) Look for items marked with discount signs or tags  
d) Ignore the signs  

 Question 5
What should you do if you want a product that is out of stock?

a) Leave the store immediately  
b) Throw a tantrum  
c) Ask a store employee if they can check the back or if they know when it will be restocked  
d) Wait silently by the shelf  

 Question 6
What is one way to save money on groceries?

a) Always buy the most expensive items  
b) Use coupons and look for sales  
c) Shop at multiple stores  
d) Only buy one item per visit  

 Question 7
What is the purpose of the “clearance” section in a store?

a) To display new arrivals  
b) To promote used items  
c) To sell items at a reduced price  
d) To store returned items  

 Question 8
How can you check the price of an item if it’s not labeled?

a) Guess the price  
b) Put it back on the shelf  
c) Ask a store employee or use a price checker  
d) Take it without paying  

 Question 9
What should you do if you change your mind about buying an item while waiting in line to pay?

a) Leave it on the nearest shelf  
b) Hand it to the cashier and let them know  
c) Hide it behind other items  
d) Throw it on the floor  

 Question 10
What is an important step to take after making a purchase?

a) Leave the store immediately  
b) Check the receipt for any errors  
c) Throw the receipt away  
d) Ask for a refund right away  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: a) A basket or shopping cart  
– Explanation: Shoppers typically use a basket or shopping cart to carry their items while browsing the store.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: b) Do you have any coupons or a loyalty card?  
– Explanation: Cashiers often ask this to apply discounts or points to your purchase.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: b) To remember to buy all the necessary items  
– Explanation: A shopping list helps you keep track of what you need to buy.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: c) Look for items marked with discount signs or tags  
– Explanation: Discount signs or tags indicate special deals and sales.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: c) Ask a store employee if they can check the back or if they know when it will be restocked  
– Explanation: Store employees can provide information on product availability and restocking.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: b) Use coupons and look for sales  
– Explanation: Coupons and sales help reduce the overall cost of groceries.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: c) To sell items at a reduced price  
– Explanation: The clearance section is meant to offer items at lower prices, often to clear out inventory.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: c) Ask a store employee or use a price checker  
– Explanation: Getting help from an employee or using a price checker ensures you know the item’s price before purchasing.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: b) Hand it to the cashier and let them know  
– Explanation: Informing the cashier is the courteous thing to do if you decide not to purchase an item.

 Question 10
Correct Answer: b) Check the receipt for any errors  
– Explanation: Verifying your receipt helps ensure you’re charged correctly and allows you to address any issues immediately.

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