Everyday Expressions Quiz

 Question 1
What does the expression “burn the midnight oil” mean?

a) To sleep early  
b) To stay up late working or studying  
c) To relax in the evening  
d) To use too much electricity  

 Question 2
What does the expression “hit the nail on the head” mean?

a) To hurt someone  
b) To make a mistake  
c) To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem  
d) To repair something  

 Question 3
What does the expression “once in a blue moon” mean?

a) Something that happens frequently  
b) Something that happens very rarely  
c) Something that happens every night  
d) Something that happens during a full moon  

 Question 4
What does the expression “break the ice” mean?

a) To start a conversation in a social setting  
b) To fall on ice  
c) To end an awkward silence  
d) To start a fight  

 Question 5
What does the expression “bite off more than you can chew” mean?

a) To eat food quickly  
b) To take on more responsibility than one can handle  
c) To refuse to help others  
d) To speak without thinking  

 Question 6
What does the expression “pull someone’s leg” mean?

a) To physically pull someone’s leg  
b) To joke or tease someone  
c) To help someone  
d) To ignore someone  

 Question 7
What does the expression “cost an arm and a leg” mean?

a) Something very expensive  
b) Something very cheap  
c) Something very common  
d) Something very small  

 Question 8
What does the expression “kick the bucket” mean?

a) To kick a pail  
b) To die  
c) To give up  
d) To win  

 Question 9
What does the expression “under the weather” mean?

a) Feeling sick or unwell  
b) Enjoying a sunny day  
c) Getting caught in the rain  
d) Feeling very happy  

 Question 10
What does the expression “spill the beans” mean?

a) To make a meal  
b) To drop something  
c) To reveal a secret  
d) To play a game  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) To stay up late working or studying  
– Explanation: “Burn the midnight oil” means to stay up late into the night working or studying.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: c) To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem  
– Explanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to do or say something exactly right.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: b) Something that happens very rarely  
– Explanation: “Once in a blue moon” means something that happens very infrequently.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: a) To start a conversation in a social setting  
– Explanation: “Break the ice” means to initiate conversation and relieve tension in a social situation.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: b) To take on more responsibility than one can handle  
– Explanation: “Bite off more than you can chew” means to take on a task that is too big or difficult.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: b) To joke or tease someone  
– Explanation: “Pull someone’s leg” means to joke around or tease someone.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: a) Something very expensive  
– Explanation: “Cost an arm and a leg” means that something is extremely expensive.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: b) To die  
– Explanation: “Kick the bucket” is an informal phrase that means to die.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: a) Feeling sick or unwell  
– Explanation: “Under the weather” means feeling ill or not well.

 Question 10
Correct Answer: c) To reveal a secret  
– Explanation: “Spill the beans” means to disclose confidential information or secrets.

See also  Future Continuous Tense Quiz

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