Lesson No 39B-Happy, Sad, Excited, etc.

Vocabulary for Expressing Emotions with Adjectives

Expressing emotions using adjectives is essential for effective communication. Here are some common adjectives to describe various emotions, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Positive Emotions

  1. Happy
    • हैप्पी
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
    • Example: I feel happy today.
    • आई फील हैप्पी टुडे.
    • (I am feeling joy today.)
  2. Excited
    • एक्साइटेड
    • Meaning: Very enthusiastic and eager.
    • Example: I’m excited about the match.
    • आई’म एक्साइटेड अबाउट द मैच.
    • (I am very enthusiastic about the game.)
  3. Proud
    • प्राउड
    • Meaning: Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction due to achievements or qualities.
    • Example: She is proud of her daughter.
    • शी इज़ प्राउड ऑफ हर डॉटर.
    • (She feels a sense of pride in her daughter.)
  4. Grateful
    • ग्रेटफुल
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
    • Example: I’m grateful for your support.
    • आई’म ग्रेटफुल फॉर योर सपोर्ट.
    • (I am thankful for your assistance.)
  5. Content
    • कंटेंट
    • Meaning: In a state of peaceful happiness.
    • Example: He feels content with his job.
    • ही फील्स कंटेंट विथ हिज जॉब.
    • (He feels peaceful and satisfied with his job.)
  6. Joyful
    • जॉइफुल
    • Meaning: Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.
    • Example: The children were joyful at the party.
    • द चिल्ड्रन वर जॉइफुल ऐट द पार्टी.
    • (The children were very happy at the party.)
  7. Relieved
    • रिलीव्ड
    • Meaning: No longer feeling distressed or anxious.
    • Example: I felt relieved after the exam.
    • आई फेल्ट रिलीव्ड आफ्टर द इग्ज़ाम.
    • (I felt a sense of relief after the exam.)
  8. Hopeful
    • होपफुल
    • Meaning: Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
    • Example: She is hopeful about her future.
    • शी इज़ होपफुल अबाउट हर फ्यूचर.
    • (She feels optimistic about what lies ahead.)
See also  Lesson No 30B-Help, Fire, Police, Medical etc.

Negative Emotions

  1. Sad
    • सैड
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
    • Example: He looks sad today.
    • ही लुक्स सैड टुडे.
    • (He appears unhappy today.)
  2. Angry
    • एंग्री
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
    • Example: She gets angry easily.
    • शी गेट्स एंग्री ईज़िली.
    • (She becomes annoyed quickly.)
  3. Frustrated
    • फ्रस्ट्रेटेड
    • Meaning: Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance.
    • Example: I’m frustrated with the situation.
    • आई’म फ्रस्ट्रेटेड विथ द सिचुएशन.
    • (I feel distressed because of the situation.)
  4. Anxious
    • एन्क्षस
    • Meaning: Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness.
    • Example: He feels anxious before exams.
    • ही फील्स एन्क्षस बिफोर इग्ज़ाम्स.
    • (He feels nervous before exams.)
  5. Disappointed
    • डिसअपॉइंटेड
    • Meaning: Sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hopes or expectations.
    • Example: I was disappointed with the results.
    • आई वॉज़ डिसअपॉइंटेड विद द रिज़ल्ट्स.
    • (I felt let down by the results.)
  6. Scared
    • स्केयर्ड
    • Meaning: Fearful; frightened.
    • Example: The child was scared of the dark.
    • द चाइल्ड वॉज़ स्केयर्ड ऑफ द डार्क.
    • (The child felt fear of the dark.)
  7. Upset
    • अपसेट
    • Meaning: Unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
    • Example: She was upset by the news.
    • शी वॉज़ अपसेट बाइ द न्यूज़.
    • (She felt unhappy due to the news.)
  8. Lonely
    • लोनली
    • Meaning: Sad because one has no friends or company.
    • Example: He felt lonely in the new city.
    • ही फेल्ट लोनली इन द न्यू सिटी.
    • (He felt alone in the new city.)
  9. Worried
    • वॉरिड
    • Meaning: Anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
    • Example: I’m worried about the deadline.
    • आई’म वॉरिड अबाउट द डेडलाइन.
    • (I feel anxious about the upcoming deadline.)
See also  Lesson No 21C-Introduction To Present , Past & Future Perfect Tenses

Examples with Context

Positive Emotions

Person A: How do you feel about your promotion?

  • हाउ डू यू फील अबाउट योर प्रमोशन?

Person B: I feel very happy and grateful for the opportunity.

  • आई फील वेरी हैप्पी ऐंड ग्रेटफुल फॉर द अपॉर्च्यूनिटी.
  • (I feel joy and thankfulness for the chance.)

Person A: Are you excited about the wedding?

  • आर यू एक्साइटेड अबाउट द वेडिंग?

Person B: Yes, I am thrilled and hopeful for the future.

  • येस, आई ऐम थ्रिल्ड ऐंड होपफुल फॉर द फ्यूचर.
  • (Yes, I am very enthusiastic and optimistic about what lies ahead.)

Negative Emotions

Person A: You seem upset. What happened?

  • यू सीम अपसेट. व्हॉट हैपन्ड?

Person B: I am frustrated and disappointed with the project’s progress.

  • आई ऐम फ्रस्ट्रेटेड ऐंड डिसअपॉइंटेड विथ द प्रोजेक्ट्स प्रोग्रेस.
  • (I feel distressed and let down by how the project is going.)

Person A: Are you worried about your presentation?

  • आर यू वॉरिड अबाउट योर प्रेजेंटेशन?

Person B: Yes, I feel anxious and scared about speaking in front of everyone.

  • येस, आई फील एन्क्षस ऐंड स्केयर्ड अबाउट स्पीकिंग इन फ्रंट ऑफ एवरीवन.
  • (Yes, I feel nervous and frightened about presenting.)

Practice Sentences

Positive Emotions

  1. She is proud of her achievements.
    • शी इज़ प्राउड ऑफ हर अचीवमेंट्स.
    • (She feels a sense of pride in what she has accomplished.)
  2. He felt relieved after the meeting.
    • ही फेल्ट रिलीव्ड आफ्टर द मीटिंग.
    • (He felt a sense of relief after the meeting.)

Negative Emotions

  1. I am sad because my friend moved away.
    • आई ऐम सैड बिकॉज़ माय फ्रेंड मूव्ड अवे.
    • (I feel sorrow because my friend relocated.)
  2. She gets angry when people are rude.
    • शी गेट्स एंग्री व्हेन पीपल आर रूड.
    • (She becomes annoyed when people are impolite.)
See also  Unit 14: Describing Weather

Using these vocabulary words and example sentences, you can accurately express a wide range of emotions in English. Practicing these terms will help improve your ability to convey your feelings effectively in conversations.

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