Lesson No 38C-Agreeing And Disagreeing Politely

Agreeing and Disagreeing Politely

Being able to agree and disagree politely is an essential communication skill. Here are several phrases to express agreement and disagreement respectfully, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Agreeing Politely

  1. I agree…
    • आई अग्री…
    • Meaning: To have the same opinion as someone else.
    • Example: I agree with your point.
    • आई अग्री विद योर प्वाइंट.
    • (I share the same opinion as your point.)
  2. That’s true…
    • दैट्स ट्रू…
    • Meaning: To confirm that a statement is correct.
    • Example: That’s true, the event was very well organized.
    • दैट्स ट्रू, द इवेंट वॉज़ वेरी वेल ऑर्गनाइज़्ड.
    • (It is correct that the event was well organized.)
  3. You’re right…
    • यू’र राइट…
    • Meaning: To confirm someone else’s opinion as correct.
    • Example: You’re right, we should start planning early.
    • यू’र राइट, वी शुड स्टार्ट प्लैनिंग अर्ली.
    • (You are correct that we should begin planning early.)
  4. Absolutely…
    • एब्सलूटली…
    • Meaning: To express complete agreement.
    • Example: Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more.
    • एब्सलूटली, आई कुडन्ट अग्री मोर.
    • (I completely agree without reservations.)
  5. Exactly…
    • एग्ज़ैक्टली…
    • Meaning: To emphasize total agreement with a point.
    • Example: Exactly, that’s what I was thinking.
    • एग्ज़ैक्टली, दैट्स व्हॉट आई वॉज़ थिंकिंग.
    • (That is precisely what I was considering.)

Disagreeing Politely

  1. I don’t agree…
    • आई डोंट अग्री…
    • Meaning: To respectfully express a different opinion.
    • Example: I don’t agree with your assessment.
    • आई डोंट अग्री विद योर असेसमेंट.
    • (I have a different opinion about your evaluation.)
  2. I see your point, but…
    • आई सी योर प्वाइंट, बट…
    • Meaning: To acknowledge someone’s point while presenting a different view.
    • Example: I see your point, but I think we need more data.
    • आई सी योर प्वाइंट, बट आई थिंक वी नीड मोर डेटा.
    • (I understand your perspective, but more data is needed.)
  3. I respect your opinion, however…
    • आई रिस्पेक्ट योर ओपिनियन, हाउएवर…
    • Meaning: To show respect for someone’s view while presenting another opinion.
    • Example: I respect your opinion, however, I believe there’s another way.
    • आई रिस्पेक्ट योर ओपिनियन, हाउएवर, आई बिलीव देयर’स अनदर वे.
    • (I honor your view but suggest an alternate approach.)
  4. I’m not sure I agree with…
    • आई’म नॉट श्योर आई अग्री विद…
    • Meaning: To convey uncertainty about aligning with an opinion.
    • Example: I’m not sure I agree with this strategy.
    • आई’म नॉट श्योर आई अग्री विद दिस स्ट्रैटेजी.
    • (I am uncertain about supporting this strategy.)
  5. On the other hand…
    • ऑन द अदर हैंड…
    • Meaning: To introduce a contrasting viewpoint.
    • Example: On the other hand, we could try a different approach.
    • ऑन द अदर हैंड, वी कुड ट्राई अ डिफरेंट अप्रोच.
    • (As an alternative, a different method could be attempted.)
See also  Lesson No 35B-Yes/No Questions, Wh- Questions

Examples with Context

Agreeing Politely

Person A: The new project management software is very user-friendly.

  • द न्यू प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजमेंट सॉफ्टवेयर इज़ वेरी यूज़र-फ्रेंडली.

Person B: I agree, it has made our tasks much easier.

  • आई अग्री, इट हैज़ मेड आवर टास्क्स मच ईज़ियर.
  • (It has indeed simplified our tasks.)

Person A: We should focus more on customer feedback.

  • वी शुड फोकस मोर ऑन कस्टमर फ़ीडबैक.

Person B: Absolutely, customer feedback is crucial for improvement.

  • एब्सलूटली, कस्टमर फ़ीडबैक इज़ क्रूशियल फॉर इम्प्रूवमेंट.
  • (Customer feedback is indeed vital for improvement.)

Disagreeing Politely

Person A: I think we should increase the product price to boost revenue.

  • आई थिंक वी शुड इन्क्रीज़ द प्रोडक्ट प्राइस टू बूस्ट रेवन्यू.

Person B: I see your point, but I’m concerned about losing customers.

  • आई सी योर प्वाइंट, बट आई’म कंसर्न्ड अबाउट लूज़िंग कस्टमर्स.
  • (I understand, but there’s a concern about customer attrition.)

Person A: This marketing strategy seems perfect.

  • दिस मार्केटिंग स्ट्रैटेजी सीम् परफेक्ट.

Person B: I respect your opinion, however, we should consider other options too.

  • आई रिस्पेक्ट योर ओपिनियन, हाउएवर, वी शुड कंसिडर अदर ऑप्शन्स टू.
  • (Your view is valid, but exploring other options is crucial.)

Practice Sentences

Agreeing Politely

  1. You’re right, we need to act fast.
    • यू’र राइट, वी नीड टू ऐक्ट फास्ट.
    • Meaning: Confirming that it is essential to take swift action.
  2. Exactly, that’s the solution we were looking for.
    • एग्ज़ैक्टली, दैट्स द सोल्यूशन वी वर लुकिंग फॉर.
    • Meaning: This is precisely the solution required.

Disagreeing Politely

  1. I don’t agree, we should look into it further.
    • आई डोंट अग्री, वी शुड लुक इंटु इट फ़र्दर.
    • Meaning: More investigation is necessary before agreement.
  2. I’m not sure I agree with this approach.
    • आई’म नॉट श्योर आई अग्री विद दिस अप्रोच.
    • Meaning: There is uncertainty about whether this method is right.
See also  Unit 3: Numbers and Time

Using these phrases and examples, you can effectively express agreement or disagreement politely in English. This will improve your conversational skills and ensure respectful communication.

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