Lesson No 35B-Yes/No Questions, Wh- Questions

Yes/No Questions and Wh- Questions

Mastering different types of questions is essential for effective communication. In English, questions can broadly be classified into Yes/No questions and Wh- questions. Below are various examples of these questions along with their pronunciations in Devanagari script.

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No questions are questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no.”

  1. Are you a student?
    • आर यू अ स्टूडेंट?
  2. Do you like pizza?
    • डू यू लाइक पिज़्ज़ा?
  3. Is it raining?
    • इज़ इट रेनिंग?
  4. Can you swim?
    • कैन यू स्विम?
  5. Have you finished your homework?
    • हैव यू फिनिश्ड यॉर होमवर्क?
  6. Will you come to the party?
    • विल यू कम टू द पार्टी?
  7. Is she your sister?
    • इज़ शी यॉर सिस्टर?
  8. Do they live in New York?
    • डू दे लिव इन न्यू यॉर्क?

Negative Form of Yes/No Questions

  1. Aren’t you a student?
    • आर्न्ट यू अ स्टूडेंट?
  2. Don’t you like pizza?
    • डोन्ट यू लाइक पिज़्ज़ा?
  3. Isn’t it raining?
    • इज़न्ट इट रेनिंग?
  4. Can’t you swim?
    • कान्ट यू स्विम?
  5. Haven’t you finished your homework?
    • हैवन्ट यू फिनिश्ड यॉर होमवर्क?
  6. Won’t you come to the party?
    • वोन्ट यू कम टू द पार्टी?
  7. Isn’t she your sister?
    • इज़न्ट शी यॉर सिस्टर?
  8. Don’t they live in New York?
    • डोन्ट दे लिव इन न्यू यॉर्क?

Wh- Questions

Wh- questions are open-ended and typically start with a word beginning with “Wh-” (Who, What, When, Where, Why), but also include “How.”

  1. Who are you?
    • हू आर यू?
  2. What is your name?
    • व्हाट इज़ यॉर नेम?
  3. When is your birthday?
    • व्हेन इज़ यॉर बर्थडे?
  4. Where do you live?
    • व्हेयर डू यू लिव?
  5. Why are you late?
    • व्हाय आर यू लेट?
  6. How are you?
    • हाउ आर यू?
  7. Which book do you want?
    • व्हिच बुक डू यू वांट?
  8. Whose pen is this?
    • व्हूज़ पेन इज़ दिस?
  9. How much is this?
    • हाउ मच इज़ दिस?
  10. How many siblings do you have?
    • हाउ मेनी सिबलिंग्स डू यू हैव?
See also  Lesson No 19C-Building More Complex Sentences Using Conjunctions

Example Dialogues with Yes/No Questions

  1. Meeting Someone New
    • Person A: Are you new here?
      • आर यू न्यू हियर?
    • Person B: Yes, I just moved here last week.
      • यस, आय जस्ट मूव्ड हियर लास्ट वीक।
  2. Classroom Interaction
    • Teacher: Do you understand the lesson?
      • डू यू अंडरस्टैंड द लेसन?
    • Student: No, can you explain it again?
      • नो, कैन यू एक्सप्लेन इट अगेन?
  3. Making Plans
    • Friend A: Will you join us for dinner tonight?
      • विल यू जॉइन अस फॉर डिनर टुनाइट?
    • Friend B: Yes, what time should I come?
      • यस, व्हाट टाइम शुड आय कम?

Example Dialogues with Wh- Questions

  1. At a Restaurant
    • Waiter: What would you like to order?
      • व्हाट वुड यू लाइक टू ऑर्डर?
    • Customer: I’d like a cheeseburger, please.
      • आय’ड लाइक अ चीज़बर्गर, प्लीज़।
  2. Traveling
    • Traveler: Where is the nearest train station?
      • व्हेयर इज़ द नियरेस्ट ट्रेन स्टेशन?
    • Local: It’s two blocks down the street on the right.
      • इट्स टू ब्लॉक्स डाउन द स्ट्रीट ऑन द राइट।
  3. At School
    • Teacher: When is the Science Fair?
      • व्हेन इज़ द साइंस फेयर?
    • Student: It’s on the 5th of March.
      • इट्स ऑन द फिफ्थ ऑफ मार्च।

Tips for Asking and Answering Questions

  1. Be Clear and Concise: Make sure your question is straightforward and easy to understand.
  2. Use Appropriate Tone: Maintain a polite and neutral tone.
  3. Listen Actively: Pay attention to the response so you can ask follow-up questions if needed.
  4. Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become.

By mastering yes/no questions and wh- questions, you’ll be able to engage more effectively in conversations and enhance your overall communication skills. Happy learning!

See also  Lesson No 27A Introduction To Compound Sentences Using Conjunctions

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