Lesson No 7B-Examples And Practice Sentences

Examples of Nouns and Practice Sentences

Nouns are fundamental in English grammar as they identify people, places, things, and ideas. Here are examples of different types of nouns and practice sentences to help you understand and use them correctly. Pronunciations in Devanagari script are provided for clarity.

Types of Nouns

  1. Common Nouns: General names for people, places, things, or ideas.
    • Person: teacher (टीचर), doctor (डॉक्टर)
    • Place: city (सिटी), park (पार्क)
    • Thing: book (बुक), car (कार)
    • Idea: happiness (हैप्पीनेस), freedom (फ्रीडम)
  2. Proper Nouns: Specific names for people, places, or things.
    • Person: John (जॉन), Sarah (सारा)
    • Place: Paris (पेरिस), New York (न्यू यॉर्क)
    • Thing: Eiffel Tower (एफिल टॉवर), Titanic (टाइटैनिक)
  3. Concrete Nouns: Names for things that can be seen, touched, heard, or smelled.
    • Examples: apple (एप्पल), dog (डॉग), house (हाउस)
  4. Abstract Nouns: Names for concepts, qualities, or conditions that cannot be seen or touched.
    • Examples: love (लव), bravery (ब्रैवेरी), wisdom (विज़डम)
  5. Collective Nouns: Names for groups of people or things.
    • Examples: team (टीम), family (फैमिली), class (क्लास)

Examples and Practice Sentences

Common and Proper Nouns
  1. Teacher
    • Pronunciation: टीचर
    • Example Sentence: The teacher is very knowledgeable.
    • Pronunciation: द टीचर इज़ वेरी नॉलेजबल।
  2. John (Proper Noun)
    • Pronunciation: जॉन
    • Example Sentence: John is my best friend.
    • Pronunciation: जॉन इज़ माय बेस्ट फ्रेंड।
  3. City
    • Pronunciation: सिटी
    • Example Sentence: The city is bustling with activity.
    • Pronunciation: द सिटी इज़ बसलिंग विद एक्टिविटी।
  4. Paris (Proper Noun)
    • Pronunciation: पेरिस
    • Example Sentence: Paris is a beautiful city.
    • Pronunciation: पेरिस इज़ अ ब्यूटीफुल सिटी।
See also  Lesson No 27A Introduction To Compound Sentences Using Conjunctions
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
  1. Apple
    • Pronunciation: एप्पल
    • Example Sentence: She ate a red apple.
    • Pronunciation: शी एट अ रेड एप्पल।
  2. Dog
    • Pronunciation: डॉग
    • Example Sentence: The dog is barking loudly.
    • Pronunciation: द डॉग इज़ बारकिंग लाउडली।
  3. Love (Abstract Noun)
    • Pronunciation: लव
    • Example Sentence: Love is a powerful emotion.
    • Pronunciation: लव इज़ अ पावरफुल इमोशन।
  4. Wisdom (Abstract Noun)
    • Pronunciation: विज़डम
    • Example Sentence: Wisdom comes with age and experience.
    • Pronunciation: विज़डम कम्स विद ऐज एंड एक्सपीरियंस।
Collective Nouns
  1. Team
    • Pronunciation: टीम
    • Example Sentence: Our team won the championship.
    • Pronunciation: आवर टीम वन द चैम्पियनशिप।
  2. Family
    • Pronunciation: फैमिली
    • Example Sentence: My family goes on vacation every summer.
    • Pronunciation: माय फैमिली गोस ऑन वेकेशन एवरी समर।

Practice Sentences

  1. Identify the Nouns: Find the nouns in the following sentences.
    • The girl is playing in the park.
      • Nouns: Girl (गर्ल), Park (पार्क)
      • Pronunciation: द गर्ल इज़ प्लेइंग इन द पार्क।
    • Sarah loves to read books.
      • Nouns: Sarah (सारा), Books (बुक्स)
      • Pronunciation: सारा लव्स टू रीड बुक्स।
    • The teacher gave us homework.
      • Nouns: Teacher (टीचर), Homework (होमवर्क)
      • Pronunciation: द टीचर गेव अस होमवर्क।
  2. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns.
    • The _ (dog, freedom) is very friendly.
      • Correct Answer: Dog (डॉग)
      • Pronunciation: द डॉग इज़ वेरी फ्रेंडली।
    • I am going to visit _ (Paris, love) next year.
      • Correct Answer: Paris (पेरिस)
      • Pronunciation: आय एम गोइंग टू विजिट पेरिस नेक्स्ट इयर।
    • _ (John, Happiness) is my best friend.
      • Correct Answer: John (जॉन)
      • Pronunciation: जॉन इज़ माय बेस्ट फ्रेंड।

Tips for Identifying Nouns

  1. Ask Questions: Who? What? Where? Things that answer these questions are typically nouns.
  2. Look for Articles: Words that come after articles like “a,” “an,” and “the” are usually nouns.
  3. Check the Subject and Object: The subject and object of a sentence are usually nouns or pronouns.
See also  Lesson No 17A-Introduction to adverbs (how actions are performed)

By practicing these examples and sentences, you’ll enhance your understanding and use of nouns in English. Happy learning!

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