Conversational English Quiz 10: Studying for Exams

Question 1

You need a quiet place to study. What do you say to your roommate?

  • a) It’s okay if you make noise.
  • b) I need complete silence.
  • c) Can you be quiet, please?
  • d) I don’t need to study.

Question 2

You’re struggling with a subject. What do you say to a tutor?

  • a) I understand everything.
  • b) This is easy.
  • c) Can you explain this again?
  • d) I don’t need help.

Question 3

You want to form a study group. What do you say to classmates?

  • a) I prefer to study alone.
  • b) Studying is boring.
  • c) Want to form a study group?
  • d) I don’t need to study.

Question 4

You need to borrow notes from a classmate. What do you say?

  • a) I don’t need your notes.
  • b) Can I borrow your notes?
  • c) Notes are useless.
  • d) I have all the notes.

Question 5

You’re feeling stressed about exams. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I’m so relaxed.
  • b) Exams are easy.
  • c) I’m really stressed out.
  • d) I love exams.

Question 6

You want to schedule a study session. What do you say to a classmate?

  • a) I don’t want to study.
  • b) Let’s meet to study.
  • c) Studying is boring.
  • d) I’m not interested.

Question 7

You need to take a break from studying. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I need to keep studying.
  • b) I’ll take a short break.
  • c) Studying is life.
  • d) I don’t need a break.

Question 8

You finished an exam and feel confident. What do you say to a classmate?

  • a) I think the exam was hard.
  • b) I didn’t study.
  • c) I think I did well.
  • d) Exams are terrible.
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Question 9

You need help understanding a concept. What do you say to a professor?

  • a) I understand everything.
  • b) This is easy.
  • c) Can you explain this, please?
  • d) I don’t need help.

Question 10

You want to reward yourself after studying. What do you say to yourself?

  • a) I need to keep studying.
  • b) I deserve a break.
  • c) Studying is the best.
  • d) I hate rewards.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: c) Can you be quiet, please?

  • This is a direct request.

Question 2: c) Can you explain this again?

  • This asks for clarification.

Question 3: c) Want to form a study group?

  • This suggests forming a study group.

Question 4: b) Can I borrow your notes?

  • This is a direct request.

Question 5: c) I’m really stressed out.

  • This expresses how you feel.

Question 6: b) Let’s meet to study.

  • This suggests a study session.

Question 7: b) I’ll take a short break.

  • This acknowledges the need for a break.

Question 8: c) I think I did well.

  • This expresses confidence.

Question 9: c) Can you explain this, please?

  • This asks for clarification.

Question 10: b) I deserve a break.

  • This is a positive self-talk.

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