Conversational English Quiz 9: College Life

Question 1

You’re struggling with a difficult assignment. What do you say to a classmate?

  • a) This is so easy.
  • b) I can do this alone.
  • c) Can you help me with this?
  • d) I don’t need help.

Question 2

You want to join a club. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I hate clubs.
  • b) I’m not interested.
  • c) I’m thinking about joining the… club.
  • d) Clubs are stupid.

Question 3

You’re excited about getting good grades. What do you say to a roommate?

  • a) I failed all my exams.
  • b) I’m so stressed.
  • c) I got an A on my test!
  • d) School is terrible.

Question 4

You want to study with a classmate. What do you say?

  • a) I don’t want to study.
  • b) I’m studying alone.
  • c) Want to study together?
  • d) I hate studying.

Question 5

You’re feeling overwhelmed with coursework. What do you say to a professor?

  • a) This is too easy.
  • b) I can handle it.
  • c) I’m feeling overwhelmed.
  • d) I don’t need help.

Question 6

You want to invite a classmate to a party. What do you say?

  • a) Don’t come.
  • b) There’s a party.
  • c) Want to go to a party?
  • d) Parties are stupid.

Question 7

You’re looking for a part-time job. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I love being broke.
  • b) I’m looking for a job.
  • c) Jobs are boring.
  • d) I don’t need money.

Question 8

You want to ask for an extension on an assignment. What do you say to a professor?

  • a) I won’t do it.
  • b) I’ll do it late.
  • c) Can I have an extension?
  • d) I don’t care about deadlines.

Question 9

You want to join a study group. What do you say to classmates?

  • a) I don’t need a study group.
  • b) I hate studying.
  • c) Would you like to form a study group?
  • d) Studying is boring.
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Question 10

You’re stressed about final exams. What do you say to a friend?

  • a) I love exams.
  • b) I’m so relaxed.
  • c) Finals are easy.
  • d) I’m so stressed about finals.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: c) Can you help me with this?

  • This is a direct request for help.

Question 2: c) I’m thinking about joining the… club.

  • This expresses interest in joining a club.

Question 3: c) I got an A on my test!

  • This shares exciting news.

Question 4: c) Want to study together?

  • This suggests a study session.

Question 5: c) I’m feeling overwhelmed.

  • This expresses how you’re feeling.

Question 6: c) Want to go to a party?

  • This is an invitation to a party.

Question 7: b) I’m looking for a job.

  • This states your intention to find a job.

Question 8: c) Can I have an extension?

  • This is a polite request for an extension.

Question 9: c) Would you like to form a study group?

  • This suggests forming a study group.

Question 10: d) I’m so stressed about finals.

  • This expresses stress about exams.

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