Conversational English Quiz 2

Question 1

You’re running late for a doctor’s appointment. What do you say to the receptionist?

  • a) I’m sorry, I’m late.
  • b) I’ll be there when I get there.
  • c) This is ridiculous.
  • d) It’s not my fault.

Question 2

You want to suggest going to the movies. What do you say?

  • a) We should go to the movies.
  • b) You have to go to the movies.
  • c) Let’s go to the movies.
  • d) Go to the movies.

Question 3

You’re not sure about something. What do you say?

  • a) I know everything.
  • b) I’m positive about it.
  • c) I’m not sure about that.
  • d) That’s definitely true.

Question 4

You want to thank someone for a gift. What do you say?

  • a) Thanks, I guess.
  • b) Whatever.
  • c) Thank you so much, I love it!
  • d) It’s okay.

Question 5

You want to offer help to someone. What do you say?

  • a) Can I help you with that?
  • b) Do it yourself.
  • c) I don’t have time.
  • d) That’s your problem.

Question 6

You want to make a small talk with a neighbor. What do you say?

  • a) Mind your own business.
  • b) Beautiful day, isn’t it?
  • c) I hate this weather.
  • d) Why are you here?

Question 7

You want to express enthusiasm about something. What do you say?

  • a) That’s boring.
  • I don’t care.
  • I’m excited about it!
  • It’s terrible.

Question 8

You want to disagree politely with someone. What do you say?

  • a) You’re wrong.
  • b) I disagree.
  • c) That’s stupid.
  • d) You’re an idiot.

Question 9

You want to give advice to a friend. What do you say?

  • a) Do whatever you want.
  • b) I don’t care.
  • c) Maybe you should try…
  • d) It’s not my problem.
See also  10 Mcqs Quiz On Very Basic Usage Of Interjections Of Expressing

Question 10

You want to end a conversation politely. What do you say?

  • a) Bye, I hate talking to you.
  • b) See you never.
  • c) It was nice talking to you.
  • d) Leave me alone.

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: a) I’m sorry, I’m late.

  • This is a direct and apologetic way to acknowledge being late.

Question 2: c) Let’s go to the movies.

  • This is an inviting and inclusive suggestion.

Question 3: c) I’m not sure about that.

  • This expresses uncertainty politely.

Question 4: c) Thank you so much, I love it!

  • This is an enthusiastic and grateful response.

Question 5: a) Can I help you with that?

  • This offers assistance in a helpful manner.

Question 6: b) Beautiful day, isn’t it?

  • This is a common small talk starter.

Question 7: c) I’m excited about it!

  • This clearly expresses enthusiasm.

Question 8: b) I disagree.

  • This is a direct but polite way to express disagreement.

Question 9: c) Maybe you should try…

  • This offers advice in a suggestive manner.

Question 10: c) It was nice talking to you.

  • This is a polite way to end a conversation.

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