Conversational English Quiz

Question 1

You meet a new colleague at work. Which phrase is most suitable to start a conversation?

  • a) What do you do for a living?
  • b) How much do you earn?
  • c) Tell me about your personal life.
  • d) Nice to meet you. How are you?

Question 2

You are at a party and someone spills a drink on you. What do you say?

  • a) You’re so clumsy!
  • b) Oh no, it’s okay.
  • c) That’s disgusting!
  • d) You owe me a new shirt.

Question 3

You want to invite a friend to dinner. What do you say?

  • a) Come to my house for dinner.
  • b) Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?
  • c) Dinner at my place?
  • d) You must come to my house for dinner.

Question 4

You are running late for a meeting. What do you say to your colleague?

  • a) I’m so sorry, I’m late.
  • b) You’ll have to wait.
  • c) This is unacceptable.
  • d) It’s not my fault.

Question 5

You want to give someone compliment. Which phrase is appropriate?

  • a) You look terrible today.
  • b) I really like your shoes.
  • c) Stop showing off.
  • d) You’re so annoying.

Question 6

You want to ask someone for their opinion. What do you say?

  • a) What do you think about…?
  • b) You must think…
  • c) I know what you think.
  • d) Don’t bother to think.

Question 7

You want to suggest doing something. What do you say?

  • a) We should…
  • b) You have to…
  • c) You must…
  • d) You’re obliged to…

Question 8

You want to refuse an invitation politely. What do you say?

  • a) No, thanks. I’m busy.
  • b) I can’t stand you.
  • c) I hate you.
  • d) You’re boring.
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Question 9

You want to apologize for something. What do you say?

  • a) It’s your fault.
  • b) I’m sorry.
  • c) You deserve it.
  • d) Blame me.

Question 10

You want to encourage someone. What do you say?

  • a) You can’t do it.
  • b) Give up now.
  • c) You’re hopeless.
  • d) You can do it!

Answers and Explanations

Question 1: d) Nice to meet you. How are you?

  • This is a standard greeting for meeting someone new.

Question 2: b) Oh no, it’s okay.

  • This is a polite and understanding response to an accident.

Question 3: b) Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?

  • This is a polite and inviting way to ask someone to dinner.

Question 4: a) I’m so sorry, I’m late.

  • This is a direct and apologetic way to acknowledge being late.

Question 5: b) I really like your shoes.

  • This is a sincere and specific compliment.

Question 6: a) What do you think about…?

  • This is an open-ended question that invites someone to share their opinion.

Question 7: a) We should…

  • This is a suggestion phrased in a collaborative way.

Question 8: a) No, thanks. I’m busy.

  • This is a polite and direct way to decline an invitation.

Question 9: b) I’m sorry.

  • This is a simple and direct apology.

Question 10: d) You can do it!

  • This is an encouraging statement that boosts someone’s confidence.

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