Which Letters Are Normally Silent In English Words?

In English, several letters are often silent in various words. Understanding which letters are commonly silent can help improve pronunciation and spelling. Here’s a list of letters that are typically silent in English words, along with examples for each:

1. Silent “B”

  • After “M”: “thumb” (थम), “comb” (कोम)
  • Before “T”: “subtle” (सबटल), “doubt” (डाउट)

2. Silent “C”

  • Before “K”: “know” (नॉ), “knight” (नाइट)
  • In “sc”: “muscle” (मसल)

3. Silent “D”

  • In “edge”: “edge” (एज)
  • In “Wednesday”: “Wednesday” (वेडनसडे)

4. Silent “E”

  • At the end of words: “cake” (केक), “time” (टाइम)
  • In “vowel teams”: “be” (बी), “bone” (बोन)

5. Silent “G”

  • Before “N”: “gnome” (ग्नोम), “sign” (साइन)
  • Before “U”: “guitar” (गिटार), “guise” (गाइज़)

6. Silent “H”

  • At the beginning of some words: “honor” (ऑनर), “hour” (आवर)
  • In “ghost”: “ghost” (घोस्ट)

7. Silent “K”

  • Before “N”: “knock” (नॉक), “knee” (नी)
  • At the beginning: “know” (नॉ), “knack” (नैक)

8. Silent “L”

  • In “alk” and “alm” words: “talk” (टॉक), “salmon” (सैलमॉन)
  • In “should”: “should” (शुड)

9. Silent “N”

  • In “mn” combinations: “autumn” (ऑटम), “hymn” (हिम्न)
  • In “align”: “align” (अलाइं)

10. Silent “P”

  • Before “N”: “pneumonia” (न्यूमोनिया), “pseudonym” (स्यूडोनिम)
  • In “receipt”: “receipt” (रसीद)

11. Silent “R”

  • In some British pronunciations: “February” (फेब्रुअरी), “car” (कार, British English)

12. Silent “T”

  • In “listen”: “listen” (लिसन), “castle” (कैसल)
  • In “whistle”: “whistle” (व्हिसल)

13. Silent “W”

  • Before “R”: “write” (राइट), “wrist” (रिस्ट)
  • In “who”: “who” (हू), “wrestle” (रेसल)

14. Silent “X”

  • In “faux”: “faux” (फो), “debris” (डेब्रिस)


In English, letters can be silent due to the historical evolution of the language, influences from other languages, and changes in pronunciation over time. Recognizing silent letters can greatly aid in mastering English spelling and pronunciation.

See also  Long /a/ Sounds

सामान्यतः खामोश रहने वाले अक्षर

  • B: अक्सर ‘m’ के बाद शब्द के अंत में खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘comb’, ‘thumb’।
  • C: अक्सर ‘sc’ संयोजन में खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘scissors’, ‘ascend’।
  • D: अक्सर ‘n’ और ‘g’ से पहले खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘Wednesday’, ‘cadge’।
  • G: अक्सर ‘n’ से पहले खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘sign’, ‘gnome’।
  • H: कई शब्दों में, विशेषकर ‘w’ या ‘c’ के बाद खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘when’, ‘what’, ‘choir’, ‘chaos’।
  • K: अक्सर ‘n’ से पहले खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘know’, ‘knight’।
  • L: अक्सर ‘a’, ‘o’, या ‘u’ के बाद खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘talk’, ‘calm’, ‘would’।
  • P: अक्सर ‘s’ से पहले खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘psychology’, ‘pneumonia’।
  • T: अक्सर ‘s’, ‘n’, या ‘ch’ से पहले खामोश होता है, जैसे कि ‘listen’, ‘often’, ‘catch’।

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