10 MCQS Quiz on very basic usage of Demonstrative Adjectives  

प्रश्नोत्तरी: संकेतवाचक विशेषणों का प्रयोग

यह प्रश्नोत्तरी उम्मीदवार की संकेतवाचक विशेषणों के बुनियादी उपयोग की समझ का परीक्षण करने के लिए तैयार की गई है। संकेतवाचक विशेषण संज्ञा की दूरी या निकटता दर्शाते हैं।

प्रश्न 1:

Which word is a demonstrative adjective?

  • (a) this
  • (b) big
  • (c) happy
  • (d) old

प्रश्न 2:

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence: “____ book is mine.”

  • (a) This
  • (b) Big
  • (c) Happy
  • (d) Old

प्रश्न 3:

Which word is a demonstrative adjective?

  • (a) that
  • (b) beautiful
  • (c) quickly
  • (d) slowly

प्रश्न 4:

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence: “____ cars are expensive.”

  • (a) These
  • (b) Big
  • (c) Good
  • (d) Happy

प्रश्न 5:

Which word is a demonstrative adjective?

  • (a) those
  • (b) tall
  • (c) short
  • (d) old

प्रश्न 6:

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence: “I like ____ dress.”

  • (a) this
  • (b) big
  • (c) small
  • (d) good

प्रश्न 7:

Which word is a demonstrative adjective?

  • (a) these
  • (b) beautiful
  • (c) happy
  • (d) good

प्रश्न 8:

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence: “____ house is very big.”

  • (a) That
  • (b) Big
  • (c) Small
  • (d) Good

प्रश्न 9:

Which word is a demonstrative adjective?

  • (a) that
  • (b) tall
  • (c) short
  • (d) old

प्रश्न 10:

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence: “I want ____ apples.”

  • (a) those
  • (b) good
  • (c) big
  • (d) small

उत्तर (Answers):

  1. (a) this
  2. (a) This
  3. (a) that
  4. (a) These
  5. (a) those
  6. (a) this
  7. (a) these
  8. (a) That
  9. (a) that
  10. (a) those
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