Religion Vocabulary

Here are 20 words related to religion vocabulary :

  1. Worship (पूजा) – The act of showing reverence or devotion to a deity or religious figure.
  • Example Sentence: They gathered in the church for Sunday worship. उन्होंने रविवार की पूजा के लिए चर्च में इकट्ठा हो गए।
  • Faith (विश्वास) – Strong belief in a religion or a set of spiritual principles.
  • Example Sentence: She has unwavering faith in her religious teachings. उसमें अपरिवर्तित विश्वास है अपने धार्मिक शिक्षाओं में।
  • Temple (मंदिर) – A place of worship dedicated to a deity or a religious purpose.
  • Example Sentence: They visited the temple to offer their prayers. उन्होंने प्रार्थना करने के लिए मंदिर का दौरा किया।
  • Priest (पादरी) – A religious leader authorized to perform ceremonies and rituals.
  • Example Sentence: The priest conducted the wedding ceremony. पादरी ने विवाह समारोह का आयोजन किया।
  • Devotion (भक्ति) – Dedication and loyalty to religious beliefs or practices.
  • Example Sentence: Her devotion to her faith is inspiring. उसकी धार्मिक भक्ति प्रेरणादायक है।
  • Meditation (ध्यान) – A practice of focusing the mind and achieving a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
  • Example Sentence: He practices meditation daily for inner peace. वह अंतरंग शांति के लिए रोजाना ध्यान का अभ्यास करता है।
  • Ceremony (कार्यक्रम) – A formal religious or social event conducted with specific rituals and customs.
  • Example Sentence: The baptism ceremony was held at the church. बैप्टिज़म कार्यक्रम चर्च में आयोजित किया गया।
  • Ritual (अनुष्ठान) – A set of actions or ceremonies performed in a prescribed order as part of a religious or cultural tradition.
  • Example Sentence: They observed the ritual of fasting during Ramadan. उन्होंने रमज़ान के दौरान उपवास का अनुष्ठान किया।
  • Blessing (आशीर्वाद) – A prayer or invocation for divine protection, guidance, or favor.
  • Example Sentence: She received a blessing from the priest before starting her journey. उसने अपनी यात्रा शुरू करने से पहले पादरी से आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया।
  1. Spiritual (आध्यात्मिक) – Relating to the spirit or soul, often associated with religious beliefs or practices.
  • Example Sentence: She finds solace in her spiritual practices. उसे अपनी आध्यात्मिक अभ्यासों में सांत्वना मिलती है।
  1. Sacred (पवित्र) – Revered or holy, often associated with religious significance.
  • Example Sentence: The river Ganges is considered sacred in Hinduism. हिन्दू धर्म में गंगा नदी को पवित्र माना जाता है।
  1. Religious (धार्मिक) – Relating to or concerned with religion or religious beliefs.
  • Example Sentence: They participate in religious festivals with enthusiasm. उन्होंने उत्साह से धार्मिक त्योहारों में भाग लिया।
  1. Salvation (मोक्ष) – Deliverance from sin or the consequences of sin, often associated with spiritual enlightenment or redemption.
  • Example Sentence: They seek salvation through prayer and repentance. वे प्रार्थना और पछतावे के माध्यम से मोक्ष की खोज करते हैं।
  1. Hymn (भजन) – A religious song or poem, typically praising a deity or expressing religious sentiments.
  • Example Sentence: They sang hymns during the church service. उन्होंने चर्च सेवा के दौरान भजन गाये।
  1. Heaven (स्वर्ग) – A place or state of eternal happiness and divine presence in some religious beliefs.
  • Example Sentence: She believes that good deeds lead to heaven after death. उसे यह मान्यता है कि अच्छे कर्म मृत्यु के बाद स्वर्ग में जाते हैं।
  1. Hell (नरक) – A place or state of punishment or suffering in some religious beliefs.
  • Example Sentence: They fear the consequences of sin leading to hell. उन्हें डर है कि पाप के परिणाम नरक में जाने का कारण बनेंगे।
  1. Sacrifice (त्याग) – A religious offering or surrendering something valuable for a higher purpose or deity.
  • Example Sentence: They made a sacrifice for the well-being of their family. उन्होंने अपने परिवार के कल्याण के लिए त्याग किया।
  1. Pilgrimage (तीर्थयात्रा) – A journey to a sacred place or shrine as an act of devotion or religious significance.
  • Example Sentence: They went on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. उन्होंने मक्का शहर की पवित्र यात्रा पर जाया।
  1. Prayer (प्रार्थना) – A solemn request or expression of gratitude or devotion, often directed towards a deity.
  • Example Sentence: She recites her evening prayers before bedtime. वह रात को सोने से पहले अपनी शाम की प्रार्थना करती है।
  • Scripture (शास्त्र) – Sacred texts or writings considered authoritative in a religious tradition.
  • Example Sentence: He studies the scriptures to deepen his understanding of his faith. उसने अपने धार्मिक विश्वासों की समझ को गहरा करने के लिए शास्त्रों का अध्ययन किया।
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These words provide a comprehensive understanding of religious vocabulary in English, including their meanings and usage in bilingual sentences.

20 More Vocabulary Of Religion

Here are 20 more words related to religion vocabulary in English, along with their detailed meanings and example bilingual sentences:

  • Divine (दिव्य) – Relating to or proceeding directly from a god or deity; heavenly or sacred.
  • Example Sentence: The temple is believed to house divine energies. माना जाता है कि मंदिर में दिव्य ऊर्जाएँ हैं।
  • Baptism (बप्तिस्मा) – A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water for cleansing and initiation into the Church.
  • Example Sentence: The baby received baptism at the church. बच्चे को चर्च में बप्तिस्मा प्राप्त हुआ।
  • Soul (आत्मा) – The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, often considered immortal.
  • Example Sentence: They believe in the existence of the soul beyond physical life. उन्हें आत्मा के अस्तित्व पर भरोसा है जो शारीरिक जीवन के बाद भी है।
  • Dharma (धर्म) – In Hinduism and Buddhism, the moral and ethical duty or righteousness.
  • Example Sentence: The concept of dharma guides their actions and decisions. धर्म की अवधारणा उनके कार्यों और निर्णयों को मार्गदर्शन करती है।
  • Zenith (शिखर) – The highest point or culmination, often used metaphorically to refer to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Example Sentence: His spiritual journey reached its zenith after years of meditation. उसकी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में ध्यान के वर्षों के बाद शिखर पर पहुँचा।
  • Sacrilege (पावनता भंग) – Violation or misuse of something sacred or religiously significant.
  • Example Sentence: The act of defacing the holy symbols was considered sacrilege. पावन चिह्नों को नष्ट करने की क्रिया को पावनता भंग माना गया।
  • Doctrine (सिद्धांत) – A set of beliefs or principles taught by a religious authority or organization.
  • Example Sentence: They adhere to the doctrines of their faith with conviction. उन्हें अपनी विश्वासों के सिद्धांतों में पक्की आस्था है।
  • Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री) – A person who journeys to a sacred place or shrine for religious reasons.
  • Example Sentence: The pilgrims traveled long distances to visit the holy site. तीर्थयात्री ने पवित्र स्थल की यात्रा करने के लिए लंबी दूरियाँ तय की।
  • Monastery (मठ) – A place where monks or nuns live and practice religious devotion.
  • Example Sentence: The monastery is known for its serene atmosphere and spiritual teachings. मठ को शांत माहौल और आध्यात्मिक शिक्षाओं के लिए जाना जाता है।
  • Ascetic (तपस्वी) – A person who practices severe self-discipline and abstains from worldly pleasures for spiritual advancement.
  • Example Sentence: The ascetic lived a life of simplicity and meditation. तपस्वी ने सादगी और ध्यान की जीवन जी।
  • Chant (मंत्रजाप) – Repetitive singing or recitation of sacred words or phrases, often used in meditation or religious ceremonies.
  • Example Sentence: They chanted mantras during their morning meditation. उन्होंने अपने सुबह के ध्यान में मंत्रजाप किया।
  • Martyr (शहीद) – A person who sacrifices their life or undergoes suffering for a cause, often associated with religious beliefs.
  • Example Sentence: The martyr’s bravery and devotion inspired many followers. शहीद की बहादुरी और भक्ति ने कई अनुयायियों को प्रेरित किया।
  • Doctrine (सिद्धांत) – A set of beliefs or principles taught by a religious authority or organization.
  • Example Sentence: They adhere to the doctrines of their faith with conviction. उन्हें अपनी विश्वासों के सिद्धांतों में पक्की आस्था है।
  • Prophecy (पूर्वानुमान) – A prediction or revelation of future events, often considered to come from divine sources.
  • Example Sentence: The prophecy foretold a time of great change. पूर्वानुमान ने एक महापरिवर्तन के समय का अनुभव बताया।
  • Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य) – Abstaining from sexual relations, typically for religious or spiritual reasons.
  • Example Sentence: Monks often practice celibacy as part of their spiritual discipline. साधुओं ने अक्सर आध्यात्मिक नियमों के भाग के रूप में ब्रह्मचर्य का अभ्यास किया।
  • Resurrection (पुनर्जन्म) – The act of rising from the dead, often associated with religious beliefs about life after death.
  • Example Sentence: The story of Jesus’s resurrection is central to Christian faith. यीशु की पुनर्जन्म की कहानी ईसाई धर्म में महत्वपूर्ण है।
  • Atheism (नास्तिकता) – Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of deities or a divine power.
  • Example Sentence: Atheism is the rejection of religious beliefs and supernatural concepts. नास्तिकता धार्मिक विश्वासों और अशास्त्रीय धारणाओं को खारिज करना है।
  • Heresy (मतभेद) – Beliefs or opinions contrary to orthodox religious doctrine or teachings.
  • Example Sentence: The heresy led to a split within the church. मतभेद ने चर्च में एक विभाजन की ओर ले जाया।
  • Virtue (गुण) – Moral excellence or goodness, often associated with ethical behavior.
  • Example Sentence: They believe in cultivating virtues like honesty and compassion. उन्होंने ईमानदारी और दयालुता जैसे गुणों का विकास करने का विश्वास किया।
  • Reverence (श्रद्धांजलि) – Deep respect and admiration for something considered sacred or holy.
  • Example Sentence: They showed reverence for the ancient temple. उन्होंने प्राचीन मंदिर के प्रति श्रद्धा दिखाई।
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These words provide a deeper understanding of religious vocabulary in English, covering various aspects and concepts related to faith, spirituality, and religious practices.

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