Formal Writing Style

Module 8: Formal and Informal Registers


### Characteristics of Formal Writing

Formal writing is used in professional, academic, and official contexts. It is characterized by a serious tone, precise language, and structured organization. Formal writing is free from colloquial expressions, contractions, and slang, aiming for clarity and professionalism.

### Key Features:

1. **Complex Sentences:**

   – Use of subordinate clauses and varied sentence structures.

   – Example: “Due to the constraints imposed by the budget, the project was delayed by several months.”

2. **Objective Tone:**

   – Emphasis on factual information rather than personal feelings.

   – Example: “The study indicates a significant increase in productivity following the implementation of new software.”

3. **Precise Vocabulary:**

   – Use of specific and technical terms relevant to the field.

   – Example: “The enzyme catalyzed the reaction at an unprecedented rate.”

4. **Third-Person Perspective:**

   – Avoidance of first and second-person pronouns (I, you).

   – Example: “One must consider the ethical implications of the study.”

5. **Avoidance of Contractions:**

   – Use full forms instead of shortened ones.

   – Example: “It is” instead of “It’s.”

6. **Proper Grammar and Punctuation:**

   – Adherence to standard grammar rules and accurate punctuation.

   – Example: “Participants were instructed to complete the survey by the specified deadline.”

### Transition from Informal to Formal:

| Informal Sentence                          | Formal Sentence                                                       |


| The project’s late because we didn’t get enough funding. | The project’s delay is attributed to insufficient funding.           |

| You’ve got to finish the report by Friday. | The report must be completed by Friday.                               |

See also  Fronting for Emphasis in Detail

| We’re looking at how this affects us all.  | The impact on all stakeholders is being examined.                     |

### Formal Writing Examples:

1. **Business Email:**

   – **Informal:** “Hey John, can you get back to me on the budget report?”

   – **Formal:** “Dear Mr. Smith, Could you please provide an update on the budget report at your earliest convenience?”

2. **Academic Paper:**

   – **Informal:** “We found out that the new drug works pretty well.”

   – **Formal:** “The study demonstrated that the new pharmaceutical exhibited significant efficacy.”

3. **Official Report:**

   – **Informal:** “You can see in the graph that sales went up a lot.”

   – **Formal:** “The accompanying graph illustrates a substantial increase in sales.”

### Tips for Writing in a Formal Style:

– **Plan and Outline:** Organize your thoughts and structure your writing.

– **Use Active and Passive Voice Appropriately:** Prefer active voice for clarity but use passive voice when the action’s doer is unknown or unimportant.

  – Example: Active – “The team completed the analysis.”

  – Example: Passive – “The analysis was completed by the team.”

– **Be Concise and Direct:** Avoid unnecessary words and redundancy.

– **Proofread and Edit:** Review your writing for errors and clarity.

Formal writing is essential in maintaining professionalism and clarity in various contexts. By adhering to the principles of formal writing, one can effectively communicate complex ideas and information.

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