Using context clues

Using Context Clues

Context clues are words or phrases that can help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. By examining the surrounding text, you can often infer the meaning of a new word. Here are some common types of context clues:


  • Explicit definition: The word is defined directly in the text.
    • Example: “A pandemic is a disease that spreads quickly and affects many people around the world.”
  • Implicit definition: The meaning of the word is implied through the context.
    • Example: “The intrepid explorer ventured into the unknown jungle.” (The context suggests that “intrepid” means brave or fearless.)


  • The text provides an example of the word in use.
    • Example: “The agile cat leaped over the fence.” (The example of the cat leaping suggests that “agile” means quick and nimble.)


  • The text provides a word with a similar meaning.
    • Example: “The majestic eagle soared through the sky.” (The synonym “soared” suggests that “majestic” means impressive or grand.)


  • The text provides a word with an opposite meaning.
    • Example: “The optimistic outlook contrasted with the pessimistic one.” (The antonym “pessimistic” suggests that “optimistic” means hopeful or positive.)

General context:

  • The overall meaning of the sentence or paragraph can help you infer the meaning of a word.
    • Example: “The laconic reply suggested that he was not interested in the conversation.” (The context of a brief and uncommunicative reply suggests that “laconic” means concise or brief.)

By using context clues, you can expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension.

See also  Learning word roots and affixes

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