Lesson No 30A—-Vocabulary And Phrases For Emergencies

Vocabulary and Phrases for Emergencies

Emergency Services

  • Emergency services: Fire department, police department, ambulance service
  • 911: The emergency phone number in the United States
  • Emergency room: A hospital department that treats urgent medical conditions

Emergency Situations

  • Natural disaster: Earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, etc.
  • Medical emergency: Heart attack, stroke, choking, allergic reaction, etc.
  • Active shooter situation: A situation where a person is actively shooting at others.
  • Chemical spill: A release of hazardous chemicals into the environment.
  • Power outage: A loss of electricity.
  • Car accident: A collision between two or more vehicles.

Safety Tips

  • Evacuation: The process of leaving a dangerous area.
  • Shelter-in-place: The process of staying inside a building and sealing off all openings to protect from outside hazards.
  • First aid: Immediate medical treatment given to a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill.
  • CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a technique used to revive a person who has stopped breathing.
  • AED: Automated external defibrillator, a medical device used to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Phrases to Use in an Emergency

  • Help!
  • Call 911!
  • I need help!
  • I’m injured!
  • I’m not feeling well.
  • Get away from the windows!
  • Follow the evacuation plan!
  • Stay calm and quiet.

More Phrases to Use in an Emergency

General Emergency Phrases

  • “I need immediate medical attention.”
  • “There’s been an accident.”
  • “Someone is injured.”
  • “Please help me.”
  • “I’m trapped.”
  • “I can’t breathe.”
  • “I’m having a heart attack.”
  • “I’m having a stroke.”
  • “I’m allergic to [substance].”
See also  Lesson No 22A-Phrases For Casual Fonversations

Specific Emergency Situations

  • For a fire:
    • “There’s a fire in the building!”
    • “The fire is spreading quickly!”
    • “Everyone out!”
  • For an earthquake:
    • “The building is shaking!”
    • “Duck, cover, and hold on!”
    • “Stay away from windows.”
  • For a flood:
    • “The water is rising!”
    • “We need to evacuate!”
    • “We’re trapped!”
  • For an active shooter:
    • “There’s an active shooter in the building!”
    • “Run, hide, fight!”
    • “Lock the door and barricade yourself inside.”

Remember to stay calm and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.

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