Lesson No 21B –– – Discussing Habits and Changes in Routine

Discussing Habits and Changes in Routine

Here are some topics you can discuss when talking about habits and changes in routine:

Daily Routines

  • What is your typical daily routine?
  • How do you spend your mornings/afternoons/evenings?
  • Do you have any morning rituals?
  • How do you manage your time effectively?

Changes in Routine

  • Have you recently made any changes to your daily routine?
  • What challenges did you face when trying to change your routine?
  • How did you overcome those challenges?
  • What benefits have you experienced from making these changes?

Good Habits and Bad Habits

  • What are some good habits you’ve developed?
  • What are some bad habits you’re trying to break?
  • How can you develop new habits?
  • What strategies can you use to break bad habits?

Balancing Work and Life

  • How do you balance your work and personal life?
  • Do you find it difficult to manage your time effectively?
  • What strategies do you use to reduce stress and improve your work-life balance?

Example conversation starters:

  • “I’ve been trying to wake up earlier every morning.”
  • “I used to spend a lot of time on social media, but I’ve been trying to cut back.”
  • “I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise more.”
  • “It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout.”
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Sample Conversations About Habits and Changes in Routine

Discussing Daily Routines

  • Friend 1: What is your typical morning routine?
  • Friend 2: I usually wake up at 7 AM, have a cup of coffee, and then go for a run.
  • Friend 1: That’s a great way to start the day! I usually hit the snooze button a few times.

Talking About Changes in Routine

  • Coworker 1: Have you made any changes to your diet recently?
  • Coworker 2: Yes, I’ve been trying to eat healthier. I’ve cut down on processed foods and started eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • Coworker 1: That’s great! I’ve been trying to do the same thing.

Discussing Good Habits and Bad Habits

  • Family Member: What’s one good habit you’ve developed recently?
  • You: I’ve been trying to drink more water. I used to forget to stay hydrated.
  • Family Member: That’s a great habit. I’m trying to break my habit of checking my phone first thing in the morning.

Talking About Work-Life Balance

  • Friend: How do you balance your work and personal life?
  • You: It’s definitely a challenge, but I try to set boundaries. I avoid working late nights and make sure to take time for myself.
  • Friend: That’s important. I need to work on that myself.

Vocabulary for Discussing Habits and Changes in Routine


  • Habit: A regular and often unconscious pattern of behavior.
  • Routine: A regular procedure or course of action.
  • Custom: A usual practice or way of doing things.
  • Practice: The repeated performance of an action.


  • Change: To make or become different.
  • Alter: To change something.
  • Modify: To change something slightly.
  • Adjust: To change something to make it better or more suitable.
  • Shift: To change position or direction.
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Time Management

  • Schedule: A plan for a series of events.
  • Prioritize: To arrange things in order of importance.
  • Procrastinate: To delay or postpone doing something.
  • Deadline: A time limit by which something must be completed.
  • Efficiency: The ability to do something quickly and well.

Positive and Negative Habits

  • Good habit: A beneficial behavior.
  • Bad habit: A harmful behavior.
  • Vice: A bad habit.
  • Virtue: A good habit.

Example sentences:

  • I have a habit of checking my phone first thing in the morning.
  • I’m trying to change my routine of staying up late.
  • It’s important to prioritize your tasks.
  • Procrastination can be a bad habit.
  • I’m working on developing the virtue of patience.

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