Lesson No 21A –– – Describing Routines in Detail

Describing Routines in Detail

Here are some phrases and expressions you can use to describe your daily routines:

General Routines

  • I usually… (e.g., I usually wake up at 7 AM.)
  • Every day, I… (e.g., Every day, I take a shower and get dressed.)
  • Typically, I… (e.g., Typically, I eat breakfast at 8 AM.)
  • My daily routine is… (e.g., My daily routine is to go to work at 9 AM and come home at 6 PM.)

Specific Routines

  • In the morning, I… (e.g., In the morning, I exercise and eat breakfast.)
  • After work, I… (e.g., After work, I cook dinner and watch TV.)
  • Before bed, I… (e.g., Before bed, I read a book and brush my teeth.)
  • On weekends, I like to… (e.g., On weekends, I like to go hiking or visit friends.)

Expressing Frequency

  • Always: I always brush my teeth before bed.
  • Often: I often go for a walk in the park.
  • Sometimes: Sometimes I eat out.
  • Rarely: I rarely watch TV.
  • Never: I never eat meat.

Here are some sample conversations you can practice:

Discussing Hobbies and Interests

  • Friend 1: What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Friend 2: I love to read and watch movies.
  • Friend 1: What’s your favorite book or movie?
  • Friend 2: My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Talking About Plans

  • Coworker 1: Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
  • Coworker 2: Yes, I’m going to the beach with my friends.
  • Coworker 1: That sounds fun! I’m just going to relax at home.
See also  Lesson No 10A-Names Of Common Shopping Items

Sharing News

  • Family Member: Did you hear about the new restaurant that opened downtown?
  • You: No, I didn’t. What’s it called?
  • Family Member: It’s called “The Olive Garden.”
  • You: Oh, I’ve heard good things about it.

Making Small Talk

  • Stranger: Nice day, isn’t it?
  • You: Yes, it is. It’s perfect weather for a walk.
  • Stranger: Have you been to the new coffee shop downtown?
  • You: No, I haven’t. I’ll have to check it out.

Here’s a vocabulary list based on the topics we’ve discussed:

General Vocabulary

  • Conversation: A talk between two or more people.
  • Topic: A subject of discussion.
  • Phrase: A group of words that express a complete thought.
  • Scenario: A situation that could happen.
  • Role-playing: Acting out a different role or character.

Specific Topics

  • Travel: airport, train, hotel, ticket, luggage, destination, itinerary
  • Emergency: fire, police, ambulance, emergency room, first aid, CPR
  • Sports: tournament, league, match, game, athlete, coach
  • Fitness: exercise, gym, running, swimming, yoga, weightlifting
  • Media: journalist, editor, reporter, news channel, newspaper, magazine, website
  • Entertainment: movie, TV show, play, music, singer, actor, director
  • Culture: tradition, custom, belief, value, language
  • Business: company, job, career, meeting, project
  • Education: school, teacher, student, lesson, homework

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