Conflict Resolution Vocabulary

20 Conflict Resolution Vocabulary Terms with Meanings and Examples

Conflict resolution is the process of managing conflict in a constructive way. Here are 20 terms related to conflict resolution:

  1. Mediation: A neutral third party helps disputing parties reach an agreement.
    • Example: “The mediator helped the couple resolve their conflict.”
  2. Negotiation: The process of reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise.
    • Example: “The two parties negotiated a deal to end the strike.”
  3. Arbitration: A neutral third party makes a binding decision to resolve a dispute.
    • Example: “The arbitrator ruled in favor of the plaintiff.”
  4. Compromise: A settlement reached by both parties giving up something.
    • Example: “They reached a compromise after negotiating for hours.”
  5. Conciliation: A process of helping disputing parties find common ground.
    • Example: “The conciliator helped the two sides understand each other’s perspectives.”
  6. Win-win: A situation where both parties benefit from the outcome.
    • Example: “The negotiation resulted in a win-win solution.”
  7. Lose-lose: A situation where both parties lose something.
    • Example: “The conflict escalated into a lose-lose situation.”
  8. Win-lose: A situation where one party wins and the other loses.
    • Example: “The arbitration resulted in a win-lose outcome.”
  9. Accommodation: One party gives in to the other party’s demands.
    • Example: “She accommodated her friend’s request to borrow her car.”
  10. Avoidance: The parties avoid the conflict altogether.
  • Example: “They decided to avoid the topic to prevent further conflict.”
  1. Competition: The parties try to assert their own needs and goals without compromise.
  • Example: “The two companies were in fierce competition for the same market.”
  1. Collaboration: The parties work together to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s needs.
  • Example: “The team collaborated to develop a successful plan.”
  1. Assertiveness: The ability to express oneself confidently and directly.
  • Example: “She was assertive in stating her needs during the negotiation.”
  1. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
  • Example: “Empathy is essential for effective conflict resolution.”
  1. Active listening: Paying full attention to the speaker and showing that you understand their message.
  • Example: “Active listening can help prevent misunderstandings.”
  1. Nonverbal communication: Communication through body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues.
  • Example: Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in conflict resolution.
  1. Conflict escalation: The process of a conflict becoming more intense or severe.
  • Example: Escalating conflicts can lead to negative consequences.
  1. De-escalation: The process of reducing the intensity of a conflict.
  • Example: De-escalation techniques can help prevent conflicts from escalating.
  1. Mediation: A neutral third party helps disputing parties reach an agreement.
  • Example: “The mediator helped the couple resolve their conflict.”
  1. Negotiation: The process of reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise.
  • Example: “The two parties negotiated a deal to end the strike.”
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