Practice exercises: Identifying stressed words in sentences

Practice Exercises: Identifying Stressed Words in Sentences

Exercise 1: Listen and identify

Listen to the following sentences and identify the stressed word or syllable in each sentence:

  1. I need a new car.
  2. I like dogs, but I prefer cats.
  3. I am so tired.
  4. I went to the store to buy milk.
  5. She is a very good student.
  6. We will go to the beach tomorrow.
  7. I don’t like spicy food.
  8. He is a tall man.
  9. She is a beautiful woman.
  10. I love listening to music.

Exercise 2: Say the sentences aloud

Say each sentence aloud and try to pronounce the stressed word or syllable correctly. Pay attention to the emphasis you place on the word.

Exercise 3: Match the sentences with their stressed words

Match the following sentences with their stressed words:

  • I need a new car. – new
  • I like dogs, but I prefer cats. – dogs, cats
  • I am so tired. – so
  • I went to the store to buy milk. – store, milk
  • She is a very good student. – very
  • We will go to the beach tomorrow. – beach
  • I don’t like spicy food. – don’t, spicy
  • He is a tall man. – tall
  • She is a beautiful woman. – beautiful
  • I love listening to music. – love

Additional tips:

  • Record yourself: Record yourself saying the sentences and listen to the stress patterns.
  • Practice with a language partner: Practice with a language partner to get feedback on your pronunciation.
  • Use online resources: There are many online resources available to help you practice sentence stress.
See also  Introduction to regional variation

By practicing these exercises, you can improve your ability to identify and produce stressed words in English sentences.

Syllabus for Pronunciation of English Language

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