Practice exercises: Connected speech drills

Practice Exercises: Connected Speech Drills

Connected speech drills help you practice the natural flow of spoken English, including features like linking, elision, and assimilation.

Exercise 1: Read aloud with natural rhythm

Read the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the natural rhythm and flow of speech:

  1. I want to go to the beach.
  2. She is going to the store.
  3. He has a new car.
  4. We should go out for dinner.
  5. They are going to the party.

Exercise 2: Identify and practice linking

Identify the linking in the following phrases and practice saying them with natural rhythm:

  1. want to
  2. look at
  3. go out
  4. see you
  5. he’s
  6. I’m
  7. they’re
  8. you’re

Exercise 3: Identify and practice elision

Identify the elision in the following phrases and practice saying them with natural rhythm:

  1. wanna
  2. should’ve
  3. ’ave a
  4. talk to
  5. gonna
  6. gotta
  7. don’t
  8. can’t
  9. won’t
  10. isn’t

Exercise 4: Practice assimilation

Practice saying the following words and phrases, paying attention to the assimilation that occurs:

  1. tenth
  2. good nite
  3. haf to
  4. wanna
  5. cadz
  6. dogz
  7. has to
  8. wants to
  9. fifths
  10. sixths

Exercise 5: Practice connected speech in context

Read the following paragraphs aloud, paying attention to the natural flow of speech, including linking, elision, and assimilation:

  • “I want to go to the beach, but it’s raining. Maybe we should go to the movies instead.”
  • “She’s going to the store to buy some milk. Do you want to go with her?”
  • “He has a new car. It’s really fast. Want to go for a ride?”
See also  Tongue twisters

Additional tips:

  • Listen to native speakers: Pay attention to the natural rhythm and flow of speech in native English speakers.
  • Record yourself: Record yourself speaking and listen for any areas where you need to improve your connected speech.
  • Practice regularly: The more you practice, the better you will become at speaking English naturally and fluently.

By practicing these exercises, you can improve your connected speech and sound more natural when speaking English.

Syllabus for Pronunciation of English Language

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