Usage of Pronouns Quiz

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : usage of pronouns

 Question 1
Which of the following sentences uses a pronoun correctly?

a) Me is going to the store.  
b) They are going to the store.  
c) Her are going to the store.  
d) Him are going to the store.  

 Question 2
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “She gave him a gift.”

a) Gave  
b) Him  
c) Gift  
d) She  

 Question 3
Which of the following is a reflexive pronoun?

a) It  
b) Them  
c) Themselves  
d) Those  

 Question 4
What is the pronoun in the following sentence: “We won the game”?

a) Won  
b) Game  
c) The  
d) We  

 Question 5
Which of the following sentences correctly uses an interrogative pronoun?

a) What are those?  
b) Her are those?  
c) Them are those?  
d) Whose are those?  

 Question 6
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “That is my book.”

a) That  
b) Is  
c) My  
d) Book  

 Question 7
Which of the following sentences uses a demonstrative pronoun correctly?

a) This are mine.  
b) That is mine.  
c) These is mine.  
d) Those is mine.  

 Question 8
What is the pronoun in the following sentence: “The teacher gave us homework”?

a) Teacher  
b) Gave  
c) Us  
d) Homework  

 Question 9
Which sentence uses a possessive pronoun?

a) This book is him.  
b) This book is mine.  
c) This book is me.  
d) This book is they.  

 Question 10
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “Who is coming to the party?”

a) Who  
b) Coming  
c) Party  
d) Is  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) They are going to the store.  
– Explanation: “They” is the correct subject pronoun for the plural subject.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: b) Him  
– Explanation: “Him” is the pronoun used as the object of the verb “gave.”

 Question 3
Correct Answer: c) Themselves  
– Explanation: “Themselves” is a reflexive pronoun indicating the action performed by the subject on itself.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: d) We  
– Explanation: “We” is the subject pronoun for the sentence.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: a) What are those?  
– Explanation: “What” is an interrogative pronoun used to ask questions.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: a) That  
– Explanation: “That” is a demonstrative pronoun referring to a specific item.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: b) That is mine.  
– Explanation: “That” is a demonstrative pronoun correctly describing a singular object.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: c) Us  
– Explanation: “Us” is the pronoun used as the object of the verb “gave.”

 Question 9
Correct Answer: b) This book is mine.  
– Explanation: “Mine” is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership.

 Question 10
Correct Answer: a) Who  
– Explanation: “Who” is an interrogative pronoun used to ask a question about the subject.

See also  Linking Verbs Usage Quiz

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