Pronouns Usage Quiz

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : pronouns

 Question 1
Which of the following sentences uses a pronoun correctly?

a) Her is my best friend.  
b) She is my best friend.  
c) Him is my best friend.  
d) Myself is my best friend.  

 Question 2
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “They are going to the park.”

a) They  
b) Are  
c) Going  
d) Park  

 Question 3
Which of the following is a possessive pronoun?

a) I  
b) You  
c) Mine  
d) We  

 Question 4
What is the pronoun in the following sentence: “He gave her the book”?

a) Gave  
b) Her  
c) Book  
d) The  

 Question 5
Which of the following sentences correctly uses a reflexive pronoun?

a) I made it myself.  
b) I made it me.  
c) I made it mine.  
d) I made it hers.  

 Question 6
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “This is their house.”

a) This  
b) Is  
c) Their  
d) House  

 Question 7
Which of the following sentences uses an indefinite pronoun correctly?

a) Everyone was happy with the results.  
b) Everyones was happy with the results.  
c) Everyones were happy with the results.  
d) Everyone were happy with the results.  

 Question 8
What is the pronoun in the following sentence: “The cat licked its paw”?

a) Cat  
b) Licked  
c) Its  
d) Paw  

 Question 9
Which sentence uses a relative pronoun?

a) This is the place where I was born.  
b) This is the place I was born.  
c) This is the place my birth.  
d) This is the place of my birth.  

 Question 10
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “Whose book is this?”

a) Whose  
b) Book  
c) Is  
d) This  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) She is my best friend.  
– Explanation: “She” is a subject pronoun correctly describing the subject “my best friend.”

 Question 2
Correct Answer: a) They  
– Explanation: “They” is the pronoun replacing a noun in the sentence.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: c) Mine  
– Explanation: “Mine” is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership.

 Question 4
Correct Answer: b) Her  
– Explanation: “Her” is the pronoun used as the object of the verb “gave.”

 Question 5
Correct Answer: a) I made it myself.  
– Explanation: “Myself” is a reflexive pronoun correctly referring back to the subject “I.”

 Question 6
Correct Answer: c) Their  
– Explanation: “Their” is a possessive pronoun describing ownership of “house.”

 Question 7
Correct Answer: a) Everyone was happy with the results.  
– Explanation: “Everyone” is an indefinite pronoun referring to all people.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: c) Its  
– Explanation: “Its” is the possessive pronoun referring to the cat’s paw.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: a) This is the place where I was born.  
– Explanation: “Where” is a relative pronoun introducing a clause that describes “place.”

 Question 10
Correct Answer: a) Whose  
– Explanation: “Whose” is the pronoun asking about the ownership of the book.

See also  Everyday Routines Quiz

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