Present Continuous Tense Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the present continuous tense?

a) He watch TV right now.
b) He is watch TV right now.
c) He is watching TV right now.
d) He watching TV right now.

Question 2

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “They are making dinner.”

a) They
b) Making
c) Are
d) Are making

Question 3

Which of the following sentences uses the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to read”?

a) She reading a book.
b) She is read a book.
c) She reads a book.
d) She is reading a book.

Question 4

What is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “We _ (to cook) dinner now”?

a) Cooks
b) Is cooking
c) Are cooking
d) Cook

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the present continuous tense?

a) The dog chase its tail.
b) The dog is chasing its tail.
c) The dog chasing its tail.
d) The dog chases its tail.

Question 6

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “She is learning French.”

a) French
b) Learning
c) Is
d) Is learning

Question 7

Which of the following sentences uses the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to run”?

a) He is running fast.
b) He running fast.
c) He runs fast.
d) He is runs fast.

Question 8

What is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “They _ (to dance) at the party”?

a) Dance
b) Dances
c) Is dancing
d) Are dancing

See also  Perfect Past Tense Quiz

Question 9

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the present continuous tense?

a) She is writing an email.
b) She write an email.
c) She writes an email.
d) She writing an email.

Question 10

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “The baby is sleeping.”

a) Baby
b) Sleeping
c) Is
d) Is sleeping

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: c) He is watching TV right now.

  • Explanation: “Is watching” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to watch,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 2

Correct Answer: d) Are making

  • Explanation: “Are making” is the correct present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action.

Question 3

Correct Answer: d) She is reading a book.

  • Explanation: “Is reading” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to read,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 4

Correct Answer: c) Are cooking

  • Explanation: “Are cooking” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to cook,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 5

Correct Answer: b) The dog is chasing its tail.

  • Explanation: “Is chasing” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to chase,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 6

Correct Answer: d) Is learning

  • Explanation: “Is learning” is the correct present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action.

Question 7

Correct Answer: a) He is running fast.

  • Explanation: “Is running” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to run,” indicating an action happening right now.
See also  Past Tense Quiz

Question 8

Correct Answer: d) Are dancing

  • Explanation: “Are dancing” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to dance,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 9

Correct Answer: a) She is writing an email.

  • Explanation: “Is writing” is the correct present continuous tense form of the verb “to write,” indicating an action happening right now.

Question 10

Correct Answer: d) Is sleeping

  • Explanation: “Is sleeping” is the correct present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action.

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : perfect present tense

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