Permission Verbs

Permission Verbs

Allow (uh-lou)

  • Meaning: To give permission or let someone do something.
  • Example: The teacher allows students to ask questions during the lecture.
  • Similar Terms: Permit, let

Permit (per-mit)

  • Meaning: To formally give permission for something.
  • Example: They permit visitors to enter the museum only after 10 AM.
  • Similar Terms: Allow, authorize

Authorize (aw-thuh-rahyz)

  • Meaning: To give official permission or approval.
  • Example: The manager authorized the transfer of funds.
  • Similar Terms: Approve, permit

Approve (uh-proov)

  • Meaning: To agree or give permission for something.
  • Example: The committee approved the proposal.
  • Similar Terms: Authorize, allow

Grant (grant)

  • Meaning: To give or allow someone something, usually in a formal way.
  • Example: The government granted him permission to build on the land.
  • Similar Terms: Bestow, allow

Consent (kuhn-sent)

  • Meaning: To agree or give permission to do something.
  • Example: She consented to the terms of the contract.
  • Similar Terms: Agree, permit

Let (let)

  • Meaning: To allow or permit.
  • Example: He let his little sister play with his toys.
  • Similar Terms: Allow, permit

Sanction (sangk-shuhn)

  • Meaning: To give official permission or approval.
  • Example: The council sanctioned the new policy.
  • Similar Terms: Authorize, approve

License (lahy-suhns)

  • Meaning: To give formal permission to do something.
  • Example: The state licensed the new driver.
  • Similar Terms: Permit, authorize

Entitle (en-tahy-tl)

  • Meaning: To give someone a legal right or claim to receive or do something.
  • Example: This ticket entitles you to a free beverage.
  • Similar Terms: Grant, allow
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