Past & Present Tense Mixed Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past simple tense?

a) She cooks dinner last night.
b) She cooked dinner last night.
c) She cooking dinner last night.
d) She cook dinner last night.

Question 2

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “They are playing football.”

a) Playing
b) Are playing
c) Are
d) Football

Question 3

Which of the following sentences uses the correct present perfect tense form of the verb “to finish”?

a) He finish his homework.
b) He has finished his homework.
c) He finishing his homework.
d) He finished his homework.

Question 4

What is the correct past simple tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “I _ (to buy) a new car last week”?

a) Buy
b) Buys
c) Bought
d) Buying

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the present perfect continuous tense?

a) They have been working on the project for three months.
b) They has been working on the project for three months.
c) They are working on the project for three months.
d) They work on the project for three months.

Question 6

Identify the verb in the following past continuous tense sentence: “She was reading a book when I called.”

a) Reading
b) Was reading
c) Book
d) Called

Question 7

Which of the following sentences uses the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to leave”?

a) They has left before the party started.
b) They had left before the party started.
c) They had leaves before the party started.
d) They has been leaving before the party started.

See also  Present Continuous Tense Quiz

Question 8

What is the correct present simple tense form of the verb in the following sentence: “She _ (to visit) her parents every weekend”?

a) Visit
b) Visits
c) Visiting
d) Visited

Question 9

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the past perfect continuous tense?

a) We had been waiting for an hour when the bus arrived.
b) We have been waiting for an hour when the bus arrived.
c) We had waiting for an hour when the bus arrived.
d) We waiting for an hour when the bus arrived.

Question 10

Identify the verb in the following present continuous tense sentence: “I am studying for my exams.”

a) Studying
b) Am
c) Am studying
d) Exams

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: b) She cooked dinner last night.

  • Explanation: “Cooked” is the correct past simple tense form of the verb “to cook,” indicating an action completed in the past.

Question 2

Correct Answer: b) Are playing

  • Explanation: “Are playing” is the present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action.

Question 3

Correct Answer: b) He has finished his homework.

  • Explanation: “Has finished” is the correct present perfect tense form of the verb “to finish,” indicating an action completed at an unspecified time in the past.

Question 4

Correct Answer: c) Bought

  • Explanation: “Bought” is the correct past simple tense form of the verb “to buy.”

Question 5

Correct Answer: a) They have been working on the project for three months.

  • Explanation: “Have been working” is the correct present perfect continuous tense form of the verb “to work,” indicating an action that started in the past and is still ongoing.
See also  Nouns and Adverbs Quiz

Question 6

Correct Answer: b) Was reading

  • Explanation: “Was reading” is the past continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action in the past.

Question 7

Correct Answer: b) They had left before the party started.

  • Explanation: “Had left” is the correct past perfect tense form of the verb “to leave,” indicating an action completed before another action in the past.

Question 8

Correct Answer: b) Visits

  • Explanation: “Visits” is the correct present simple tense form of the verb “to visit” for the third person singular subject “she.”

Question 9

Correct Answer: a) We had been waiting for an hour when the bus arrived.

  • Explanation: “Had been waiting” is the correct past perfect continuous tense form of the verb “to wait,” indicating an action that started in the past and continued up to a point in the past.

Question 10

Correct Answer: c) Am studying

  • Explanation: “Am studying” is the present continuous tense verb phrase indicating an ongoing action right now.

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Subject : future tense

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