Nouns Usage Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following sentences uses the noun correctly?

a) She reads a book every day.
b) She read books every day.
c) She book reads every day.
d) She every day reads a book.

Question 2

Identify the noun in the following sentence: “The sun rises in the east.”

a) Rises
b) Sun
c) In
d) East

Question 3

Which of the following is a proper noun?

a) City
b) Car
c) London
d) Teacher

Question 4

What is the plural form of the noun “child”?

a) Childs
b) Children
c) Childes
d) Childhoods

Question 5

Which of the following sentences correctly uses a compound noun?

a) I like to play baseball.
b) I like to play base ball.
c) I like to plays baseball.
d) I likes to play baseball.

Question 6

Identify the common noun in the following sentence: “The cat chased the mouse.”

a) Cat
b) Chased
c) The
d) Mouse

Question 7

Which of the following is a concrete noun?

a) Freedom
b) Happiness
c) Apple
d) Justice

Question 8

What is the noun in the following sentence: “Music calms people.”

a) Calms
b) People
c) Music
d) The

Question 9

Which sentence uses the noun in its correct plural form?

a) The sheeps are grazing.
b) The sheep are grazing.
c) The sheeps is grazing.
d) The sheepes are grazing.

Question 10

What is the function of the noun “book” in the following sentence: “He borrowed a book from the library”?

a) Subject
b) Object
c) Modifier
d) Verb

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

Correct Answer: a) She reads a book every day.

  • Explanation: “She reads a book every day” correctly uses the noun “book” as the object of the verb “reads.”
See also  Future Perfect Continuous Tense Quiz

Question 2

Correct Answer: b) Sun

  • Explanation: “Sun” is the noun in the sentence.

Question 3

Correct Answer: c) London

  • Explanation: “London” is a proper noun, while “City,” “Car,” and “Teacher” are common nouns.

Question 4

Correct Answer: b) Children

  • Explanation: The plural form of “child” is “children.”

Question 5

Correct Answer: a) I like to play baseball.

  • Explanation: “Baseball” is a compound noun made up of two words “base” and “ball.”

Question 6

Correct Answer: a) Cat

  • Explanation: “Cat” is a common noun referring to a general animal.

Question 7

Correct Answer: c) Apple

  • Explanation: “Apple” is a concrete noun because it is a physical object that can be touched.

Question 8

Correct Answer: c) Music

  • Explanation: “Music” is the noun in the sentence.

Question 9

Correct Answer: b) The sheep are grazing.

  • Explanation: The correct plural form of “sheep” is “sheep” (it remains the same as the singular form).

Question 10

Correct Answer: b) Object

  • Explanation: “Book” is the object of the verb “borrowed” in the sentence “He borrowed a book from the library.”

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