Nouns & Pronouns Quiz

MCQ quiz , 10 questions , 4 options each , correct answers & explanations at the end of quiz . Suject : nouns & pronouns

 Question 1
Which of the following sentences uses both a noun and a pronoun correctly?

a) He ran fastly to the office.  
b) She and her friends are going to the park.  
c) Me is reading a book.  
d) Him is playing with toys.  

 Question 2
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “John gave his sister a gift.”

a) John  
b) Gave  
c) His  
d) Sister  

 Question 3
Which of the following is a compound noun?

a) Classroom  
b) Quickly  
c) We  
d) Beautiful  

 Question 4
What is the noun in the following sentence: “The cat is sleeping on the mat”?

a) Cat  
b) Is  
c) Sleeping  
d) On  

 Question 5
Which of the following sentences correctly uses a possessive pronoun?

a) This pen is me.  
b) This pen is mine.  
c) This pen is I.  
d) This pen is he.  

 Question 6
Identify the pronoun in the following sentence: “Those books belong to them.”

a) Books  
b) Belong  
c) Them  
d) Those  

 Question 7
Which of the following sentences uses a collective noun correctly?

a) The flock of birds is flying high.  
b) The team is playing very well.  
c) The group of students are happy.  
d) The panel of judges was deciding.  

 Question 8
What is the proper noun in the following sentence: “Sarah visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris”?

a) Visited  
b) Tower  
c) Paris  
d) In  

 Question 9
Which sentence uses a reflexive pronoun?

a) He finished the project by hisself.  
b) He finished the project by himself.  
c) He finished the project by theirself.  
d) He finished the project by itself.  

 Question 10
Identify the noun in the following sentence: “Happiness can be found even in the darkest times.”

a) Can  
b) Be  
c) Found  
d) Happiness  

 Answers and Explanations

 Question 1
Correct Answer: b) She and her friends are going to the park.  
– Explanation: “She” is a pronoun, “her friends” contains a pronoun and a noun, and “park” is a noun.

 Question 2
Correct Answer: c) His  
– Explanation: “His” is the pronoun showing possession.

 Question 3
Correct Answer: a) Classroom  
– Explanation: “Classroom” is a compound noun formed by combining “class” and “room.”

 Question 4
Correct Answer: a) Cat  
– Explanation: “Cat” is the noun in the sentence.

 Question 5
Correct Answer: b) This pen is mine.  
– Explanation: “Mine” is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership of the pen.

 Question 6
Correct Answer: c) Them  
– Explanation: “Them” is the pronoun acting as the object of the sentence.

 Question 7
Correct Answer: a) The flock of birds is flying high.  
– Explanation: “Flock” is a collective noun, and the singular verb “is” matches the singular collective noun.

 Question 8
Correct Answer: c) Paris  
– Explanation: “Paris” is a proper noun, as it is the name of a specific place.

 Question 9
Correct Answer: b) He finished the project by himself.  
– Explanation: “Himself” is a reflexive pronoun referring back to the subject “He.”

 Question 10
Correct Answer: d) Happiness  
– Explanation: “Happiness” is the noun in the sentence.

See also  विद्यार्थियों को विपरीत शब्द सिखाने के लाभ

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