Lesson No 5C-Simple Questions And Answers About Personal Information

Simple Questions and Answers About Personal Information

Discussing personal information is a foundational part of everyday conversations. Below are some key questions and answers, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari script and meanings, to help you navigate such conversations with ease.

Common Questions and Answers

  1. What’s your name?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हाट्स योर नेम?
    • Meaning: Asking someone their name.
    • Answer: My name is [Your Name].
    • Answer Pronunciation: माई नेम इज़ [Your Name].
    • Meaning: Responding with your name.
  2. How old are you?
    • Question Pronunciation: हाउ ओल्ड आर यू?
    • Meaning: Asking someone their age.
    • Answer: I am [number] years old.
    • Answer Pronunciation: आय ऐम [number] इयर्स ओल्ड.
    • Meaning: Responding with your age.
  3. Where are you from?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हेयर आर यू फ्रॉम?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about their place of origin.
    • Answer: I am from [Place/Country].
    • Answer Pronunciation: आय ऐम फ्रॉम [Place/Country].
    • Meaning: Responding with your place or country of origin.
  4. What do you do?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हाट डू यू डू?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about their occupation.
    • Answer: I am a [Occupation].
    • Answer Pronunciation: आय ऐम अ [Occupation].
    • Meaning: Responding with your occupation.
  5. What are your hobbies?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हाट आर योर हॉबीज़?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about their hobbies.
    • Answer: My hobbies are [Hobbies].
    • Answer Pronunciation: माई हॉबीज़ आर [Hobbies].
    • Meaning: Responding with your hobbies.
  6. Do you have any siblings?
    • Question Pronunciation: डू यू हैव एनी सिबलिंग्स?
    • Meaning: Asking someone if they have brothers or sisters.
    • Answer: Yes, I have [number] siblings. / No, I don’t have any siblings.
    • Answer Pronunciation: यस, आय हैव [number] सिबलिंग्स. / नो, आय डोंट हैव एनी सिबलिंग्स.
    • Meaning: Responding with the number of siblings you have, or denying if you don’t have any.
  7. Are you married?
    • Question Pronunciation: आर यू मैरिड?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about their marital status.
    • Answer: Yes, I am married. / No, I am not married.
    • Answer Pronunciation: यस, आय ऐम मैरिड. / नो, आय ऐम नॉट मैरिड.
    • Meaning: Responding yes or no about your marital status.
  8. What is your favorite color?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हाट इज़ योर फेवरेट कलर?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about their favorite color.
    • Answer: My favorite color is [Color].
    • Answer Pronunciation: माई फेवरेट कलर इज़ [Color].
    • Meaning: Responding with your favorite color.
  9. Do you have any pets?
    • Question Pronunciation: डू यू हैव एनी पेट्स?
    • Meaning: Asking someone if they have pets.
    • Answer: Yes, I have [Number and Type of Pet]. / No, I don’t have any pets.
    • Answer Pronunciation: यस, आय हैव [Number and Type of Pet]. / नो, आय डोंट हैव एनी पेट्स.
    • Meaning: Responding with the type and number of pets you have, or denying if you don’t have any.
  10. What languages do you speak?
    • Question Pronunciation: व्हाट लैंग्वेजेज़ डू यू स्पीक?
    • Meaning: Asking someone about the languages they know.
    • Answer: I speak [Languages].
    • Answer Pronunciation: आय स्पीक [Languages].
    • Meaning: Responding with the languages you speak.
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Example Dialogues

Dialogue 1: Basic Introduction

Person A: Hi! What’s your name?

  • Pronunciation: हाय! व्हाट्स योर नेम?
  • Meaning: Hi! What’s your name?

Person B: Hello! My name is Ethan. What’s yours?

  • Pronunciation: हेलो! माई नेम इज़ इथन. व्हाट्स यॉर्स?
  • Meaning: Hello! My name is Ethan. What’s yours?

Person A: My name is Olivia. Nice to meet you!

  • Pronunciation: माई नेम इज़ ओलिविया. नाइस टू मीट यू!
  • Meaning: My name is Olivia. Nice to meet you!

Person B: Nice to meet you too!

  • Pronunciation: नाइस टू मीट यू टू!
  • Meaning: Nice to meet you too!

Dialogue 2: Talking About Backgrounds

Person A: Where are you from, Olivia?

  • Pronunciation: व्हेयर आर यू फ्रॉम, ओलिविया?
  • Meaning: Where are you from, Olivia?

Person B: I am from New York. How about you?

  • Pronunciation: आय ऐम फ्रॉम न्यू यॉर्क. हाउ अबाउट यू?
  • Meaning: I am from New York. How about you?

Person A: I’m from Los Angeles. Do you have any siblings?

  • Pronunciation: आय’म फ्रॉम लॉस एंजेलिस. डू यू हैव एनी सिबलिंग्स?
  • Meaning: I’m from Los Angeles. Do you have any siblings?

Person B: Yes, I have one brother. Do you have any siblings?

  • Pronunciation: यस, आय हैव वन ब्रदर. डू यू हैव एनी सिबलिंग्स?
  • Meaning: Yes, I have one brother. Do you have any siblings?

Person A: No, I don’t have any siblings.

  • Pronunciation: नो, आय डोंट हैव एनी सिबलिंग्स.
  • Meaning: No, I don’t have any siblings.

Dialogue 3: Discussing Occupations and Hobbies

Person A: What do you do for a living?

  • Pronunciation: व्हाट डू यू डू फॉर अ लिविंग?
  • Meaning: What do you do for a living?

Person B: I am a graphic designer. What about you?

  • Pronunciation: आय एम अ ग्राफिक डिज़ाइनर. व्हाट अबाउट यू?
  • Meaning: I am a graphic designer. What about you?
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Person A: I work as a software engineer. What are your hobbies?

  • Pronunciation: आय वर्क ऐज़ अ सॉफ़्टवेयर इंजीनियर. व्हाट आर योर हॉबीज़?
  • Meaning: I work as a software engineer. What are your hobbies?

Person B: My hobbies are painting and hiking. How about you?

  • Pronunciation: माई हॉबीज़ आर पेंटिंग एंड हाइकिंग. हाउ अबाउट यू?
  • Meaning: My hobbies are painting and hiking. How about you?

Person A: I enjoy reading books and playing the guitar.

  • Pronunciation: आय एन्जॉय रीडिंग बुक्स एंड प्लेइंग द गिटार.
  • Meaning: I enjoy reading books and playing the guitar.

Tips for Discussing Personal Information

  1. Be Polite: Use polite language and expressions.
  2. Be Open: Share information openly to encourage the other person to do the same.
  3. Ask Follow-Up Questions: Show interest by asking related questions.
  4. Listen Actively: Pay attention to what the other person is saying.
  5. Be Honest: Always provide truthful information.

By practicing these questions, answers, and example dialogues, you will become more comfortable and confident in discussing personal information. Enjoy your conversations!

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