Lesson No 40A-Vocabulary Related to Technology

Vocabulary Related to Technology

Technology is a constantly evolving field, and having a good grasp of its related vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Here are some common technology-related terms, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Basic Terms

  1. Computer
    • Pronunciation: कंप्यूटर
    • Meaning: An electronic device for storing and processing data.
    • Example: The new computer is very fast.
    • द न्यू कंप्यूटर इज़ वेरी फास्ट.
    • (The new computer operates very quickly.)
  2. Internet
    • Pronunciation: इंटरनेट
    • Meaning: A global network connecting millions of computers for communication and data exchange.
    • Example: I use the internet to research information.
    • आई यूज़ इंटरनेट टू रिसर्च इंफॉर्मेशन.
    • (I use the internet to look up information.)
  3. Software
    • Pronunciation: सॉफ़्टवेयर
    • Meaning: Programs and operating information used by a computer.
    • Example: This software helps in managing data efficiently.
    • दिस सॉफ़्टवेयर हेल्प्स इन मैनेजिंग डेटा एफिशियंटली.
    • (This software aids in efficient data management.)
  4. Hardware
    • Pronunciation: हार्डवेयर
    • Meaning: The physical components of a computer system.
    • Example: The hardware includes the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
    • द हार्डवेयर इन्क्लूड्स द मॉनिटर, कीबोर्ड, ऐंड माउस.
    • (The hardware consists of the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.)
  5. Network
    • Pronunciation: नेटवर्क
    • Meaning: A group of interconnected computers.
    • Example: The office has a secure network for communication.
    • द ऑफ़िस हैज़ अ सिक्योर नेटवर्क फ़ॉर कम्यूनिकेशन.
    • (The office has a secure network for communication.)

Advanced Terms

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Pronunciation: आर्टिफ़िशियल इंटेलिजेंस
    • Meaning: The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines.
    • Example: AI is used in various applications like virtual assistants.
    • एआई इज़ यूज़्ड इन वेरीयस अप्लिकेशन्स लाइक वर्चुअल असिस्टेंट्स.
    • (AI is used in various applications such as virtual assistants.)
  2. Cloud Computing
    • Pronunciation: क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग
    • Meaning: The delivery of computing services over the internet.
    • Example: Cloud computing allows access to data from anywhere.
    • क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग अलाउज़ ऍक्सेस टू डेटा फ्रॉम एनीवेयर.
    • (Cloud computing enables data access from anywhere.)
  3. Blockchain
    • Pronunciation: ब्लॉकचेन
    • Meaning: A decentralized ledger used to record transactions across many computers.
    • Example: Blockchain technology is used in cryptocurrencies.
    • ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी इज़ यूज़्ड इन क्रिप्टोकरेंसीज.
    • (Blockchain technology is used in digital currencies.)
  4. Encryption
    • Pronunciation: एन्क्रिप्शन
    • Meaning: The process of converting information into a secure format.
    • Example: Encryption protects sensitive information.
    • एन्क्रिप्शन प्रोटेक्ट्स सेंसिटिव इंफॉर्मेशन.
    • (Encryption safeguards confidential data.)
  5. Virtual Reality (VR)
    • Pronunciation: वर्चुअल रियलिटी
    • Meaning: A simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.
    • Example: VR is used for immersive gaming experiences.
    • वीआर इज़ यूज़्ड फॉर इमर्सिव गेमिंग एक्सपीरियेंसेस.
    • (VR is employed for immersive gaming.)
See also  Lesson No 42B-Bank, Credit, Savings, Investment, etc.

Devices and Gadgets

  1. Smartphone
    • Pronunciation: स्मार्टफोन
    • Meaning: A mobile phone that performs many functions of a computer.
    • Example: I use my smartphone to check emails.
    • आई यूज़ माय स्मार्टफोन टू चेक इमेल्स.
    • (I use my smartphone to check my emails.)
  2. Tablet
    • Pronunciation: टैबलेट
    • Meaning: A portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device.
    • Example: She reads books on her tablet.
    • शी रीड्स बुक्स ऑन हर टैबलेट.
    • (She reads books on her tablet.)
  3. Router
    • Pronunciation: राउटर
    • Meaning: A device that forwards data packets along networks.
    • Example: The router provides internet access to all devices at home.
    • द राउटर प्रोवाइड्स इंटरनेट ऍक्सेस टू ऑल डिवाइसस ऐट होम.
    • (The router grants internet access to all the devices at home.)
  4. Smartwatch
    • Pronunciation: स्मार्टवॉच
    • Meaning: A wearable computing device that resembles a wristwatch.
    • Example: The smartwatch tracks my daily activities.
    • द स्मार्टवॉच ट्रैक्स माय डेली एक्टिविटीज़.
    • (The smartwatch monitors my daily activities.)
  5. Drone
    • Pronunciation: ड्रोन
    • Meaning: An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used for various purposes.
    • Example: The drone captured stunning aerial photos.
    • द ड्रोन कैप्चर्ड स्टनिंग एरियल फोटोज़.
    • (The drone took impressive aerial photographs.)

Software and Applications

  1. Operating System (OS)
    • Pronunciation: ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम
    • Meaning: Software that manages computer hardware and software resources.
    • Example: Windows is a popular operating system.
    • विंडोज़ इज़ अ पॉप्युलर ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम.
    • (Windows is a widely-used operating system.)
  2. Application (App)
    • Pronunciation: अप्लिकेशन (ऐप)
    • Meaning: A program or software designed to perform a specific task.
    • Example: I downloaded a new app for fitness tracking.
    • आई डाउनलोडेड अ न्यू ऐप फॉर फिटनेस ट्रैकिंग.
    • (I installed a new application to monitor fitness.)
  3. Antivirus
    • Pronunciation: एंटीवायरस
    • Meaning: Software used to prevent, detect, and remove malware.
    • Example: Make sure your antivirus is updated regularly.
    • मेक श्योर योर एंटीवायरस इज़ अप्डेटेड रेगुलरली.
    • (Ensure that your antivirus is consistently updated.)
  4. Firewall
    • Pronunciation: फायरवॉल
    • Meaning: A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.
    • Example: The firewall protects our network from unauthorized access.
    • द फायरवॉल प्रोटेक्ट्स आवर नेटवर्क फ्रॉम अनऔथोराइज़्ड ऍक्सेस.
    • (The firewall secures our network against unauthorized access.)
  5. Browser
    • Pronunciation: ब्राउज़र
    • Meaning: Software that allows access to the internet.
    • Example: I use Chrome as my default browser.
    • आई यूज़ क्रोम ऐज़ माय डिफॉल्ट ब्राउज़र.
    • (I use Chrome as my primary internet browser.)
See also  Module 10: Practical Conversations

Examples of Using Technology Vocabulary in Sentences

Person A: Have you updated your antivirus software?

  • हैव यू अप्डेटेड योर एंटीवायरस सॉफ्टवेयर?
  • (Have you updated your virus-protection software?)

Person B: Yes, I made sure it’s updated to protect my computer from malware.

  • येस, आई मेड श्योर इट्स अप्डेटेड टू प्रोटेक्ट माय कंप्यूटर फ्रॉम मालवेयर.
  • (Yes, I ensured it’s updated to safeguard my computer from malicious software.)

Person A: Do you prefer using a laptop or a tablet?

  • डू यू प्रेफर यूज़िंग अ लैपटॉप और अ टैब्लेट?
  • (Do you prefer using a laptop or a tablet?)

Person B: I prefer using a tablet for reading and a laptop for work.

  • आई प्रेफर यूज़िंग अ टैब्लेट फॉर रीडिंग एंड अ लैपटॉप फॉर वर्क.
  • (I prefer using a tablet for reading and a laptop for work.)

Person A: What operating system do you use?

  • व्हॉट ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम डू यू यूज़?
  • (Which operating system do you use?)

Person B: I use Windows on my desktop and iOS on my tablet.

  • आई यूज़ विंडोज़ ऑन माय डेस्कटॉप एंड आईओएस ऑन माय टैब्लेट.
  • (I use Windows on my desktop and iOS on my tablet.)

Person A: Have you tried any new apps recently?

  • हैव यू ट्राय्ड एनी न्यू ऐप्स रीसेंटली?
  • (Have you tried any new applications lately?)

Person B: Yes, I recently downloaded a great fitness tracking app.

  • येस, आई रीसेंटली डाउनलोडेड अ ग्रेट फिटनेस ट्रैकिंग ऐप.
  • (Yes, I recently installed an excellent fitness-tracking application.)

These examples and vocabulary terms will help you effectively communicate about technology in English. Practicing these terms will improve your proficiency and confidence in discussing technological topics

See also  Unit 13: Leisure Activities and Hobbies

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