Lesson No 39D-Using Interjections In Conversation

Using Interjections in English Speaking

Interjections are words or phrases that express sudden emotion or reaction. They are a great way to make conversations more lively and convey feelings instantly. Here are some common interjections, their pronunciations in Devanagari, and their meanings in English.

Common Interjections

Positive Interjections

  1. Wow!
    • Pronunciation: वॉव!
    • Meaning: Used to express amazement or admiration.
    • Example: Wow! You did an amazing job!
    • वॉव! यू डिड ऐन अमेजिंग जॉब!
    • (Wow! You did exceptionally well!)
  2. Yay!
    • Pronunciation: ये!
    • Meaning: Used to express happiness or excitement.
    • Example: Yay! We won the game!
    • ये! वी वॉन द गेम!
    • (Yay! We were victorious!)
  3. Awesome!
    • Pronunciation: ऑसम!
    • Meaning: Used to express that something is very impressive or great.
    • Example: Awesome! That sounds like a great plan.
    • ऑसम! दैट साउंड्स लाइक अ ग्रेट प्लान.
    • (Awesome! That seems like an excellent plan.)
  4. Hooray!
    • Pronunciation: हु-रे!
    • Meaning: Used to express joy, victory, or triumph.
    • Example: Hooray! Our team won the championship!
    • हु-रे! अवर टीम वॉन द चैंपियनशिप!
    • (Hooray! Our team clinched the championship!)
  5. Fantastic!
    • Pronunciation: फैन्टास्टिक!
    • Meaning: Used to express great delight or approval.
    • Example: Fantastic! You aced the exam.
    • फैन्टास्टिक! यू ऐस्ड द इग्ज़ाम.
    • (Fantastic! You excelled in the exam.)

Negative Interjections

  1. Oh no!
    • Pronunciation: ओह नो!
    • Meaning: Used to express dismay or concern.
    • Example: Oh no! I forgot my keys.
    • ओह नो! आई फॉरगॉट माय कीज़.
    • (Oh no! I left my keys behind.)
  2. Ouch!
    • Pronunciation: आउच!
    • Meaning: Used to express pain.
    • Example: Ouch! I stubbed my toe.
    • आउच! आई स्टब्ड माय टो.
    • (Ouch! I hit my toe.)
  3. Ugh!
    • Pronunciation: उग!
    • Meaning: Used to express disgust or frustration.
    • Example: Ugh! This traffic is terrible.
    • उग! दिस ट्रैफिक इज़ टेरिबल.
    • (Ugh! The traffic is awful.)
  4. Oops!
    • Pronunciation: ऊप्स!
    • Meaning: Used to acknowledge a small mistake.
    • Example: Oops! I dropped the glass.
    • ऊप्स! आई ड्रॉप्ड द ग्लास.
    • (Oops! I accidentally dropped the glass.)
  5. Darn!
    • Pronunciation: डार्न!
    • Meaning: Used to express mild disappointment or frustration.
    • Example: Darn! I missed the bus.
    • डार्न! आई मिस्ड द बस.
    • (Darn! I didn’t catch the bus.)
See also  Lesson No 16A-Vocabulary For Different Professions

Conversations Using Interjections

Conversation 1: Positive Reactions

Person A: I got the job I applied for!

  • आई गॉट द जॉब आई अप्लाइड फॉर!

Person B: Wow! That’s amazing news!

  • वॉव! दैट्स अमेजिंग न्यूज़!
  • (Wow! That’s fantastic news!)

Person A: I’m so happy, I can’t wait to start.

  • आई’म सो हैप्पी, आई कैन्ट वेट टू स्टार्ट.

Person B: Hooray! Let’s celebrate this weekend!

  • हु-रे! लेट्स सेलेब्रेट दिस वीकेंड!
  • (Hooray! Let’s celebrate this weekend!)

Conversation 2: Negative Reactions

Person A: I lost my wallet on the way to work.

  • आई लॉस्ट माय वॉलेट ऑन द वे टू वर्क.

Person B: Oh no! Did you check with the lost and found?

  • ओह नो! डिड यू चेक विद द लॉस्ट एंड फाउंड?
  • (Oh no! Did you check with the lost and found?)

Person A: Yes, but no one has turned it in yet.

  • येस, बट नो वन हैज़ टर्न्ड इट इन येट.

Person B: Darn! That’s really unfortunate.

  • डार्न! दैट्स रियली अनफॉर्चुनेट.
  • (Darn! That’s really unlucky.)

Person A: Ugh! I had all my important cards in there.

  • उग! आई हैड ऑल माय इम्पॉर्टन्ट कार्ड्स इन देयर.

Person B: Oops! Maybe you should cancel them and get replacements.

  • ऊप्स! मेबी यू शुड कैंसल देम ऐंड गेट रिप्लेसमेंट्स.
  • (Oops! Perhaps you should cancel them and order replacements.)

Practice Sentences Using Interjections

Positive Interjections

  1. Wow! Your performance was incredible.
    • Pronunciation: वॉव! योर पर्फॉर्मन्स वॉज इन्क्रेडिबल.
    • Meaning: Expressing amazement at the performance.
  2. Yay! We finally finished the project.
    • Pronunciation: ये! वी फाइनली फिनिश्ड द प्रोजेक्ट.
    • Meaning: Expressing happiness about completing the project.
  3. Fantastic! You made it to the top of the list.
    • Pronunciation: फैन्टास्टिक! यू मेड इट टू द टॉप ऑफ द लिस्ट.
    • Meaning: Expressing great delight about making it to the top.
See also  Lesson No 25B-Subject + Verb + Object

Negative Interjections

  1. Oh no! I spilled my coffee.
    • Pronunciation: ओह नो! आई स्पिल्ड माय कॉफी.
    • Meaning: Expressing dismay about spilling coffee.
  2. Ugh! This rain will ruin our plans.
    • Pronunciation: उग! दिस रेन विल रूइन आवर प्लान्स.
    • Meaning: Expressing frustration about the rain affecting plans.
  3. Ouch! That really hurt.
    • Pronunciation: आउच! दैट रियली हर्ट.
    • Meaning: Expressing pain from an injury.

Using interjections effectively in conversations can make your expressions more vivid and engaging. Practicing these interjections will help you convey your emotions more naturally and add authenticity to your dialogues.

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