Lesson No 39A-Vocabulary For Expressing Emotions

Expressing emotions accurately is key to effective communication. Here are several words and phrases to describe various emotions, along with pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Positive Emotions

  1. Happy
    • हैप्पी
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
    • Example: I feel happy when I’m with my family.
    • आई फील हैप्पी व्हेन आई’म विद माय फैमिली.
    • (I feel joyful when I am with my family.)
  2. Excited
    • एक्साइटेड
    • Meaning: Very enthusiastic and eager.
    • Example: I’m excited about our trip next week.
    • आई’म एक्साइटेड अबाउट आवर ट्रिप नेक्स्ट वीक.
    • (I am very enthusiastic about our trip next week.)
  3. Proud
    • प्राउड
    • Meaning: Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions.
    • Example: He feels proud of his accomplishments.
    • ही फील्स प्राउड ऑफ हिज अकोम्पलिशमेंट्स.
    • (He feels a sense of pride in his achievements.)
  4. Grateful
    • ग्रेटफुल
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
    • Example: I’m grateful for your help.
    • आई’म ग्रेटफुल फॉर योर हेल्प.
    • (I am thankful for your assistance.)
  5. Content
    • कंटेन्ट
    • Meaning: In a state of peaceful happiness.
    • Example: She feels content with her life.
    • शी फील्स कंटेन्ट विथ हर लाइफ.
    • (She feels peaceful and satisfied with her life.)

Negative Emotions

  1. Sad
    • सैड
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
    • Example: I feel sad when I think about the past.
    • आई फील सैड व्हेन आई थिंक अबाउट द पास्ट.
    • (I feel sorrowful when I reminisce about the past.)
  2. Angry
    • एंग्री
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
    • Example: He gets angry when things go wrong.
    • ही गेट्स एंग्री व्हेन थिंग्स गो रॉंग.
    • (He becomes angry when things do not go as planned.)
  3. Frustrated
    • फ्रस्ट्रेटेड
    • Meaning: Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
    • Example: I’m frustrated with the slow progress.
    • आई’म फ्रस्ट्रेटेड विद द स्लो प्रोग्रेस.
    • (I am feeling distressed due to the slow pace.)
  4. Anxious
    • एन्क्षस
    • Meaning: Feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
    • Example: She feels anxious before exams.
    • शी फील्स एन्क्षस बिफोर एग्ज़ाम्स.
    • (She feels worried before exams.)
  5. Disappointed
    • डिसअपॉइंटेड
    • Meaning: Sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hopes or expectations.
    • Example: I was disappointed by the results.
    • आई वॉज़ डिसअपॉइंटेड बाइ द रिजल्ट्स.
    • (I felt let down by the results.)
See also  Lesson No 21B-Discussing Habits And Changes In Routine

Emotions in Context

Positive Emotions

Person A: How do you feel about your new job?

  • हाउ डू यू फील अबाउट योर न्यू जॉब?

Person B: I feel very happy and grateful for this opportunity.

  • आई फील वेरी हैप्पी ऐंड ग्रेटफुल फॉर दिस अपॉर्च्यूनिटी.
  • (I feel joyous and thankful for this chance.)

Person A: Are you excited about the concert?

  • आर यू एक्साइटेड अबाउट द कंसर्ट?

Person B: Absolutely, I can’t wait!

  • एब्सोलूटली, आई कैन्ट वेट!
  • (Certainly, I am very eager!)

Negative Emotions

Person A: You look upset. What’s wrong?

  • यू लुक अपसेट. व्हॉट्स रॉंग?

Person B: I’m frustrated with the project’s delays.

  • आई’म फ्रस्ट्रेटेड विद द प्रोजेक्ट्स डिलेज़.
  • (I feel distressed due to the project being delayed.)

Person A: How do you feel about the news?

  • हाउ डू यू फील अबाउट द न्यूज़?

Person B: I am quite disappointed, honestly.

  • आई ऐम कुएट डिसअपॉइंटेड, ऑनेस्टली.
  • (I truly feel let down by it.)

Practice Sentences

Positive Emotions

  1. I feel excited about the new possibilities.
    • आई फील एक्साइटेड अबाउट द न्यू पॉसिबिलिटीज़.
    • Meaning: Very enthusiastic about the upcoming opportunities.
  2. She feels content with her achievements.
    • शी फील्स कंटेन्ट विथ हर अचीवमेंट्स.
    • Meaning: She is in a state of peaceful happiness about what she has accomplished.

Negative Emotions

  1. He felt sad after hearing the bad news.
    • ही फेल्ट सैड आफ्टर हियरिंग द बैड न्यूज़.
    • Meaning: He experienced unhappiness after receiving unfortunate news.
  2. I get anxious before giving a speech.
    • आई गेट एन्क्षस बिफोर गिविंग अ स्पीच.
    • Meaning: I feel nervous and uneasy prior to speaking in public.

Using these phrases and examples, you can express a wide range of emotions in English, enabling more nuanced and meaningful conversations. Practicing these terms regularly will help improve your ability to convey your feelings accurately and effectively.

See also  Module 9: Deepening Conversational Skills

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