Lesson No 38B-I Think, I Believe, In My Opinion, etc.

Phrases to Express Opinions

Expressing opinions is essential for engaging conversations. Here are several phrases to express opinions, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari and their meanings in English.

Affirmative Phrases

  1. I think…
    • आई थिंक…
    • Meaning: To believe or have a particular opinion.
    • Example: I think the new policy is effective.
    • आई थिंक द न्यू पॉलिसी इज़ इफेक्टिव.
    • (The new policy is effective in my view.)
  2. I believe…
    • आई बिलीव…
    • Meaning: To accept something as true; to have faith in something.
    • Example: I believe she will succeed.
    • आई बिलीव शी विल सक्सीड.
    • (I have faith that she will succeed.)
  3. In my opinion…
    • इन माय ओपिनियन…
    • Meaning: A view or judgment formed about something.
    • Example: In my opinion, this book is very interesting.
    • इन माय ओपिनियन, दिस बुक इज़ वेरी इंटरेस्टिंग.
    • (This book is very interesting according to me.)
  4. I feel…
    • आई फील…
    • Meaning: To have a particular opinion or attitude.
    • Example: I feel that we should reconsider our decision.
    • आई फील दैट वी शुड रिकंसिडर अवर डिसीजन.
    • (We should reconsider our decision, in my opinion.)
  5. I guess…
    • आई गेस…
    • Meaning: To suppose or think something without being certain.
    • Example: I guess he is going to be late.
    • आई गेस ही इज़ गोइंग टू बी लेट.
    • (I suppose he will arrive late.)

Negative Phrases

  1. I don’t think…
    • आई डोंट थिंक…
    • Meaning: To express doubt or disagreement.
    • Example: I don’t think this is a good idea.
    • आई डोंट थिंक दिस इज़ अ गुड आइडिया.
    • (This does not seem like a good idea to me.)
  2. In my honest opinion…
    • इन माय ऑनेस्ट ओपिनियन…
    • Meaning: A truthful or sincere view.
    • Example: In my honest opinion, the project needs more work.
    • इन माय ऑनेस्ट ओपिनियन, द प्रोजेक्ट नीड्स मोर वर्क.
    • (Sincerely, I think the project needs more effort.)
  3. I doubt…
    • आई डाउट…
    • Meaning: To feel uncertain about something.
    • Example: I doubt that it will rain today.
    • आई डाउट दैट इट विल रेन टुडे.
    • (I have uncertainty about it raining today.)
  4. I am not sure…
    • आई एम नॉट श्योर…
    • Meaning: To be uncertain or not confident.
    • Example: I am not sure if I can complete the task on time.
    • आई एम नॉट श्योर इफ आई कैन कंप्लीट द टास्क ऑन टाइम.
    • (I am unsure about finishing the task on schedule.)
  5. I suppose…
    • आई सपोज़…
    • Meaning: To think something is likely or probable.
    • Example: I suppose it will work, but I’m not certain.
    • आई सपोज़ इट विल वर्क, बट आई’म नॉट सर्टेन.
    • (It seems likely to work, but there’s uncertainty.)
See also  Unit 28: Social Media

Examples with Context


Person A: What do you think about the new software update?

  • व्हॉट डू यू थिंक अबाउट द न्यू सॉफ्टवेयर अपडेट?

Person B: I think it’s a significant improvement.

  • आई थिंक इट्स अ सिग्निफिकेंट इम्प्रूवमेंट.
  • (Significant improvement, in my view.)

Person A: In my opinion, it’s faster and more user-friendly.

  • इन माय ओपिनियन, इट्स फास्टर ऐंड मोर यूज़र-फ्रेंडली.
  • (I believe it’s quicker and easier to use.)

Person B: I believe it will increase productivity.

  • आई बिलीव इट विल इन्क्रीज़ प्रॉडक्टिविटी.
  • (I have faith it will boost productivity.)


Person A: Should we invest in this startup?

  • शुड वी इन्वेस्ट इन दिस स्टार्टअप?

Person B: I don’t think it’s a viable option right now.

  • आई डोंट थिंक इट्स अ वायबल ऑप्शन राइट नाउ.
  • (This does not seem like a feasible option.)

Person A: In my honest opinion, the risk is too high.

  • इन माय ऑनेस्ट ओपिनियन, द रिस्क इज़ टू हाई.
  • (Sincerely, I find the risk excessive.)

Person B: I am not sure if their business model is sustainable.

  • आई एम नॉट श्योर इफ देयर बिज़नेस मॉडल इज़ सस्टेनेबल.
  • (I am unsure about their business model’s durability.)

Person A: I suppose there might be potential, but I’m cautious.

  • आई सपोज़ देयर माइट बी पोटेंशियल, बट आई’म कॉशस.
  • (There may be potential, but I remain wary.)

These phrases and examples will help you effectively express your opinions in English. Practicing these phrases regularly will improve your communication skills and build confidence in conversations.

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