Lesson No 35A-Forming Different Types Of Questions

Forming Different Types of Questions

Understanding and forming different types of questions is crucial for effective communication in English. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to form Yes/No questions, Wh- questions, tag questions, and choice questions, along with their pronunciations in Devanagari script.

Yes/No Questions

These questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”

  1. Basic Structure
    • [Auxiliary Verb] + [Subject] + [Main Verb] + [Object/Rest of the Sentence]
  2. Examples
    • Are you a student?
      • आर यू अ स्टूडेंट?
    • Do you like pizza?
      • डू यू लाइक पिज़्ज़ा?
    • Is it raining?
      • इज़ इट रेनिंग?
    • Can you swim?
      • कैन यू स्विम?
    • Have you finished your homework?
      • हैव यू फिनिश्ड यॉर होमवर्क?

Wh- Questions

These questions require more detailed answers and begin with a Wh- word (Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, How).

  1. Basic Structure
    • [Wh- word] + [Auxiliary Verb] + [Subject] + [Main Verb] + [Object/Rest of the Sentence]
  2. Examples
    • Who are you?
      • हू आर यू?
    • What is your name?
      • व्हाट इज़ यॉर नेम?
    • When is your birthday?
      • व्हेन इज़ यॉर बर्थडे?
    • Where do you live?
      • व्हेयर डू यू लिव?
    • Why are you late?
      • व्हाय आर यू लेट?
    • How are you?
      • हाउ आर यू?
    • Which book do you want?
      • व्हिच बुक डू यू वांट?
    • Whose pen is this?
      • व्हूज़ पेन इज़ दिस?

Tag Questions

These questions are statements followed by a short question tag, used to confirm information.

  1. Basic Structure
    • [Statement], [Question Tag]?
  2. Examples
    • You’re coming to the party, aren’t you?
      • यू’र कमिंग टू द पार्टी, आर्न्ट यू?
    • She’s your sister, isn’t she?
      • शी’ज़ यॉर सिस्टर, आर्न्ट शी?
    • It’s raining, isn’t it?
      • इट्स रेनिंग, आर्न्ट इट?
    • We’ve met before, haven’t we?
      • वी’व मेट बिफोर, हैवन्ट वी?
    • They will join us later, won’t they?
      • दे विल जॉइन अस लेटर, वोन्ट दे?
See also  Lesson No 1B-Basic Greetings and Phrases

Choice Questions

These questions offer a choice between options and are answered by selecting one of the options provided.

  1. Basic Structure
    • [Option 1] or [Option 2]?
  2. Examples
    • Do you want tea or coffee?
      • डू यू वांट टी और कॉफी?
    • Will you go by bus or train?
      • विल यू गो बाय बस और ट्रेन?
    • Is your favorite color blue or green?
      • इज़ यॉर फेवरिट कलर ब्लू और ग्रीन?
    • Should we meet at 5 PM or 6 PM?
      • शुड वी मीट ऐट फाइव पी.एम. और सिक्स पी.एम?
    • Are you traveling in June or July?
      • आर यू ट्रैवलिंग इन जून और जुलाई?

Examples in Dialogues

Dialogue with Yes/No Questions

  1. At School
    • Teacher: Do you understand the lesson?
      • डू यू अंडरस्टैंड द लेसन?
    • Student: Yes, I understand.
      • यस, आय अंडरस्टैंड।
    • Teacher: Have you finished your assignment?
      • हैव यू फिनिश्ड यॉर असाइनमेंट?
    • Student: No, I need more time.
      • नो, आय नीड मोर टाइम।

Dialogue with Wh- Questions

  1. At a Café
    • Server: What would you like to order?
      • व्हाट वुड यू लाइक टू ऑर्डर?
    • Customer: I would like a coffee.
      • आय वुड लाइक अ कॉफी।
    • Server: How do you take your coffee?
      • हाउ डू यू टेक यॉर कॉफी?
    • Customer: With milk and sugar.
      • विथ मिल्क एंड शुगर।

Dialogue with Tag Questions

  1. Making Plans
    • Friend A: We’re meeting at 7 PM, aren’t we?
      • वी’र मीटिंग ऐट सेवन पी.एम., आर्न्ट वी?
    • Friend B: Yes, that’s right.
      • यस, दैट्स राइट।
    • Friend A: You’ve booked the table, haven’t you?
      • यू’व बुक्ड द टेबल, हैवन्ट यू?
    • Friend B: Yes, I have.
      • यस, आय हैव।

Dialogue with Choice Questions

  1. Shopping
    • Salesperson: Do you prefer the red dress or the blue dress?
      • डू यू प्रेफर द रेड ड्रेस और द ब्लू ड्रेस?
    • Customer: I prefer the blue dress.
      • आय प्रेफर द ब्लू ड्रेस।
    • Salesperson: Would you like to try it on?
      • वुड यू लाइक टू ट्राई इट ऑन?
    • Customer: Yes, please.
      • यस, प्लीज़।
See also  Unit 15: Basic Parts of Speech: Adjectives

Tips for Forming Questions

  1. Practice Regularly: The more you practice forming different types of questions, the more natural it will become.
  2. Use Question Words: Familiarize yourself with various question words and their uses.
  3. Start Simple: Begin with basic Yes/No questions and gradually move to more complex question types.
  4. Engage in Conversations: Practice asking and answering questions in real-life conversations.
  5. Be Clear: Make sure your questions are clear and easy to understand.

By mastering these different types of questions, you will be able to communicate more effectively and confidently in English. Happy learning!

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