Lesson No 17A-Introduction to adverbs (how actions are performed)

Introduction to Adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They provide more information about how, when, where, why, or to what extent an action is performed.

Types of Adverbs:

  • Manner adverbs: Describe how an action is done.
    • Examples: quickly, slowly, carefully, happily, sadly
  • Time adverbs: Describe when an action is done.
    • Examples: now, later, yesterday, tomorrow, often, always, never
  • Place adverbs: Describe where an action is done.
    • Examples: here, there, everywhere, inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs
  • Frequency adverbs: Describe how often an action is done.
    • Examples: always, often, sometimes, usually, never
  • Degree adverbs: Describe to what extent an action is done.
    • Examples: very, quite, extremely, too, rather

Examples of adverbs in sentences:

  • She quickly ate her lunch. (manner adverb)
  • I will see you tomorrow. (time adverb)
  • They live here. (place adverb)
  • I always brush my teeth. (frequency adverb)
  • It’s very cold outside. (degree adverb)

Adverbs can be placed before or after the verb they modify.

  • Example:
    • He quickly ran away.
    • She ran quickly.

Common Adverbs

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They provide information about how, when, where, why, or to what extent something happens.

Here is a list of common adverbs:


  • quickly: He quickly finished his work.
  • slowly: She slowly walked down the street.
  • carefully: He carefully packed his suitcase.
  • happily: She happily danced to the music.
  • sadly: He sadly walked away.


  • now: I am going now.
  • then: We met then.
  • later: I will see you later.
  • soon: She will be here soon.
  • early: He woke up early.
See also  Lesson No 27D-Conversational practice focusing on structure


  • here: Come here!
  • there: I went there yesterday.
  • everywhere: We looked everywhere for the keys.
  • anywhere: Can you go anywhere?
  • nowhere: I can’t find it nowhere.


  • very: He is very tall.
  • quite: She is quite pretty.
  • too: It’s too hot.
  • so: She is so happy.
  • extremely: The movie was extremely boring.


seldom: He seldom visits us.

always: I always brush my teeth.

never: She never lies.

often: We often go to the park.

sometimes: I sometimes eat pizza.

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