Lesson No 16B-Doctor, Teacher, Engineer, etc.

Here are some common job titles and their descriptions:

Professions related to education:

  • Doctor: A person who has completed medical school and is licensed to practice medicine.
  • Teacher: A person who teaches students in a school or other educational institution.
  • Professor: A teacher at a university or college.
  • Principal: The head of a school.
  • Counselor: A professional who helps people with personal or academic problems.

Professions related to business and finance:

  • Lawyer: A person who practices law.
  • Accountant: A person who prepares and audits financial records.
  • Engineer: A person who designs and builds things.
  • Architect: A person who designs buildings.
  • Businessperson: A person who owns or manages a business.

Professions related to healthcare:

  • Nurse: A person who provides healthcare services.
  • Nurse practitioner: A registered nurse with advanced training.
  • Dentist: A person who provides dental care.
  • Pharmacist: A person who dispenses medications.
  • Veterinarian: A person who provides medical care for animals.

Professions related to technology:

  • Computer programmer: A person who writes computer software.
  • Software engineer: A person who designs and develops computer software.
  • Web developer: A person who creates and maintains websites.
  • Data scientist: A person who analyzes data to extract insights.
  • Network engineer: A person who designs and maintains computer networks.

Other professions:

  • Police officer: A person who enforces the law.
  • Firefighter: A person who puts out fires.
  • Chef: A person who cooks food.
  • Artist: A person who creates works of art.
  • Writer: A person who writes books, articles, or other materials.

Would you like to know more about a specific profession?

See also  Lesson No 13B-Reading, Playing Sports, etc.

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