Lesson No 14A-Words For Different Weather Conditions

Words for Different Weather Conditions

Understanding different weather conditions and their corresponding vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Below are common weather-related words along with their pronunciations in Devanagari script and meanings in English.

Weather Conditions

  1. Sunny
    • Pronunciation: सनी
    • Meaning: Bright with sunlight.
    • Example: It’s a sunny day.
      • इट्स अ सनी डे।
  2. Rainy
    • Pronunciation: रेनिय
    • Meaning: Characterized by rain.
    • Example: It’s a rainy afternoon.
      • इट्स अ रेनिय आफ्टरनून।
  3. Cloudy
    • Pronunciation: क्लाउडी
    • Meaning: Covered with clouds; overcast.
    • Example: The sky is cloudy.
      • द स्काय इज़ क्लाउडी।
  4. Stormy
    • Pronunciation: स्टोर्मी
    • Meaning: Characterized by strong winds and rain, thunder, or lightning.
    • Example: It’s going to be stormy tonight.
      • इट्स गोइंग टू बी स्टोर्मी टुनाइट।
  5. Windy
    • Pronunciation: विंडी
    • Meaning: Accompanied by wind.
    • Example: It’s very windy outside.
      • इट्स वेरी विंडी आउ्टसाइड।
  6. Snowy
    • Pronunciation: स्नोवी
    • Meaning: Covered with snow.
    • Example: It’s a snowy winter.
      • इट्स अ स्नोवी विंटर।
  7. Foggy
    • Pronunciation: फॉगी
    • Meaning: Full of or covered by fog.
    • Example: The morning is foggy.
      • द मॉर्निंग इज़ फॉगी।
  8. Hot
    • Pronunciation: हॉट
    • Meaning: High temperature; very warm.
    • Example: It’s really hot today.
      • इट्स रियली हॉट टुडे।
  9. Cold
    • Pronunciation: कोल्ड
    • Meaning: Low temperature; very cool or freezing.
    • Example: It’s cold outside.
      • इट्स कोल्ड आउटसाइड।
  10. Humid
    • Pronunciation: ह्यूमिड
    • Meaning: Having a high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Example: It’s very humid today.
      • इट्स वेरी ह्यूमिड टुडे।
  11. Dry
    • Pronunciation: ड्राई
    • Meaning: Lacking moisture or precipitation.
    • Example: The weather is dry.
      • द वेदर इज़ ड्राई।
  12. Clear
    • Pronunciation: क्लियर
    • Meaning: Free of clouds, fog, or storm.
    • Example: It’s a clear night.
      • इट्स अ क्लियर नाइट।
  13. Chilly
    • Pronunciation: चिली
    • Meaning: Uncomfortably cool or cold.
    • Example: It’s quite chilly this evening.
      • इट्स क्वाइट चिली दिस ईवनिंग।
  14. Blizzard
    • Pronunciation: ब्लिज़र्ड
    • Meaning: A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
    • Example: The blizzard is making it hard to travel.
      • द ब्लिज़र्ड इज़ मेकिंग इट हार्ड टू ट्रैवल।
  15. Thunderstorm
    • Pronunciation: थंडरस्टॉर्म
    • Meaning: A storm with thunder and lightning and typically heavy rain.
    • Example: There’s a thunderstorm forecast for tonight.
      • देयर’स अ थंडरस्टॉर्म फोरकास्ट फॉर टुनाइट।
  16. Drizzle
    • Pronunciation: ड्रिज़ल
    • Meaning: Light rain falling in very fine drops.
    • Example: It’s just drizzling right now.
      • इट्स जस्ट ड्रिज़लिंग राइट नाउ।
  17. Breezy
    • Pronunciation: ब्रीज़ी
    • Meaning: Slight wind; gently windy.
    • Example: It’s a breezy afternoon.
      • इट्स अ ब्रीज़ी आफ्टरनून।
  18. Hail
    • Pronunciation: हेल
    • Meaning: Pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers.
    • Example: It’s hailing outside.
      • इट्स हेलिंग आउ्टसाइड।
See also  Unit 10: Shopping and Food

Example Sentences

  1. Sunny
    • Sentence: I love sunny days because I can go to the beach.
      • आय लव सनी डेज़ बिकॉज़ आय कैन गो टू द बीच.
  2. Rainy
    • Sentence: It’s a rainy afternoon; perfect for reading a book.
      • इट्स अ रेनिय आफ्टरनून; परफेक्ट फॉर रीडिंग अ बुक.
  3. Cloudy
    • Sentence: The sky is cloudy, so it might rain later.
      • द स्काय इज़ क्लाउडी, सो इट माइट रेन लेटर.
  4. Stormy
    • Sentence: Stormy weather can be very dangerous for sailors.
      • स्टोर्मी वेदर कैन बी वेरी डेंजरस फॉर सेलर्स.
  5. Windy
    • Sentence: It’s so windy that it’s hard to walk outside.
      • इट्स सो विंडी दैट इट्स हार्ड टू वॉक आउटसाइड.
  6. Snowy
    • Sentence: The snowy mountains look beautiful in winter.
      • द स्नोवी माउंटेन्स लुक ब्यूटीफुल इन विंटर.
  7. Foggy
    • Sentence: The foggy conditions make driving difficult.
      • द फॉगी कंडिशन्स मेक ड्राइविंग डिफिकल्ट.
  8. Hot
    • Sentence: It’s too hot to stay outside for long.
      • इट्स टू हॉट टू स्टे आउटसाइड फॉर लॉन्ग.
  9. Cold
    • Sentence: I need a warm jacket because it’s cold.
      • आय नीड अ वॉर्म जैकेट बिकॉज़ इट्स कोल्ड.
  10. Humid
    • Sentence: The weather is very humid, making it uncomfortable.
      • द वेदर इज़ वेरी ह्यूमिड, मेकिंग इट अनकम्फ़र्टेबल.
  11. Dry
    • Sentence: The garden needs watering because the weather is dry.
      • द गार्डन नीड्स वॉटरिंग बिकॉज़ द वेदर इज़ ड्राई.
  12. Clear
    • Sentence: It’s a clear night, perfect for stargazing.
      • इट्स अ क्लियर नाइट, परफेक्ट फॉर स्टारगेजिंग.
  13. Chilly
    • Sentence: It’s quite chilly this evening, so wear a coat.
      • इट्स क्वाइट चिली दिस ईवनिंग, सो वियर अ कोट.
  14. Blizzard
    • Sentence: The blizzard has caused many road closures.
      • द ब्लिज़र्ड हैज़ कॉज़्ड मेनी रोड क्लोज़र्स.
  15. Thunderstorm
    • Sentence: The thunderstorm last night was very loud.
      • द थंडरस्टॉर्म लास्ट नाइट वाज़ वेरी लाउड.
  16. Drizzle
    • Sentence: It’s just drizzling, not enough to need an umbrella.
      • इट्स जस्ट ड्रिज़लिंग, नॉट इनफ टू नीड अन अम्ब्रेला.
  17. Breezy
    • Sentence: It’s a breezy day, perfect for flying a kite.
      • इट्स अ ब्रीज़ी डे, परफेक्ट फॉर फ्लाइंग अ काइट.
  18. Hail
    • Sentence: The hailstones were as large as golf balls.
      • द हेलस्टोन्स वेर ऐज़ लार्ज ऐज़ गोल्फ बॉल्स.
See also  Lesson No 23B-Sending Invitations

Tips for Discussing Weather Conditions

  1. Use Descriptive Words: Expand your vocabulary by using varied descriptive weather words.
  2. Practice Daily: Discuss the current weather conditions daily for practice.
  3. Engage in Small Talk: Use weather as an icebreaker in conversations.
  4. Pay Attention to Weather Reports: Watch weather forecasts to learn new vocabulary and phrases.
  5. Ask Questions: Encourage conversation by asking questions about the weather.

By familiarizing yourself with these weather-related words and practicing their usage in sentences, you can enhance your conversational skills and engage more effectively in discussions about the weather. Happy learning!

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